Turns out, that I was the idiot. Either all the drinking I had done had caught up with me – but it really wasn't that strong – or there was something in his drink too.
Shawn had disappeared once one of his friends had announced that a girl called pineapple no wait that wasn't it, Penelope, no that wasn't it either.Fuck why can't I think!
Well anyway I didn't see his ass for dust once one of his lackeys said that some girl had arrived.
I could hardly get myself up of the sofa, I felt like a led weight. But I managed it.
Fuck, I need to go to the bathroom, and sober up. But I've never felt like this before.
I managed to get up the stairs unnoticed, but then again everyone else around me seemed to be in the same state as me.
I hauled my caucus up the stairs, and into the bathroom, slammed the door shut behind me, and bent over the toilet, and spewed my guts up.
I was slumped over the toilet seat, when I thought I'd died and gone to hell.
"Well, well well. What have we here? Little Miss England are you drunk?"
Shawn's voice priced through my brain.
Fuck you Shawn! Oh my god! I couldn't speak. Why couldn't I speak? Was I dead? OH MY GOD. What was HAPPENING!
"What's the matter Kate? Cat got your tongue?" then he lifted me up from the toilet and leaned me against the door. And then he cocked his head to the side studying me. note the fact that he still had his hands on my shoulders pinning me to the door.
"Well? Speak!" he demanded.
"Fuck you Shawn!" oh finally my body does as I tell it.
He just laughed. "Oh you silly little thing. You swapped the drinks didn't you? I knew you would. Girls like you fall for it all the time. Give them the drink with nothing but an alcoselsa tablet in it, and they think you've spiked them. Then they swap the drinks, and drink the drink with the real stuff in it" he laughed again.
What a sick bastard! He does this all the time? I wasn't having this, come ON kate!
"What's the matter Shawn, can't get laid unless their drugged?" my voice sounded terrible.
His eyes flashed and he pressed me against the door even harder, while pressing his body up against mine. Then he grabbed me face and squashed my cheeks together.
"You need to be taught a lesson. You don't mess with me, and now that your little boyfriend isn't around to save you. Im gonna' teach you"
"You sick bastard, get off me!" I struggled against him, but I just couldn't get him off me. Maybe I'd have had a chance if I wasn't drugged, but that's the whole point of date rape.
"Ah ah ah!" he squashed my face even more, then let it go, and held onto my neck 2Dont be a naughty girl now" then his filthy hands trailed down from my neck to my gest and he was grabbing be.
"Get off me!" I managed to scream at him.
Then he grabbed my neck again "I said behave!"
Then his hand travelled down the length of my body until he reached my thigh.
"It's a shame really, that it came to this. We could have been good together"
I jerked my body trying to get him off me "STOP"
"NO!" and his hand started to travel up my thigh.
I screamed as loud as I could and tried with all my strength to push him off, but he ended up scramming the inside of my leg to pieces. Fuck it stung!
I couldn't let this happen. I wouldn't let this happen. They'd warmed me, all of them. And now look where I was.
"GET OFF!" I used all the strength I had left to knee him in the balls, and scram at his face.
Thank god, he doubled over in pain, unpinning me from the door.
I didn't waste any time, I turned around and yanked open the door, and staggered along the landing. And practically threw myself down the stairs. i managed to get down them without breaking my neck, but I did twist my ankle as I missed the last step.
Fuck! I screamed internally.
No one took a blind bit of notice as I staggered past everyone and out the front door.
I've never been in a situation like this before. So I didn't really know what to do. The only thing I could think of doing was getting as far away from the house as I could.
I really didn't know how far I would be able to get, I could barely hold my own weight. It was fight or flight, and the only option for me was to flight. I staggered up the road, my eyes were blurry and burning, and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. And then I was sick again. I probably looked like a drunken mess; I wanted to cry, if only they knew.
I couldn't believe that he'd done that. He must be a pro at this kind of thing.
I finally got as far I could, and half fell half sat on the edge of the road.
There was only one thing I could manage to do at this moment, and that was phone Jacob.
I fought with my clutch bag – even that had more strength than I did – and got out my phone, squinted my eyes until everything came into focus again. And dialled for Jacob.
It rang for a while, and I thought he wasn't even going to answer but he did.
"Kate?" he was breathless, maybe he'd been out with the pack. Oh I'd love to see him as a wolf, I haven't yet. I will though and I bet-
"KATE!" Jacobs's voice brought me back to the present "What's happened? Are you ok? Are you drunk? Do you need me to come and get you?"
I couldn't hold it together anymore and out came a ragged sob "Jake"
"Kate? Talk to me, what's going on? Im coming to get you. Stay the hell there!"
"Jake… you said… I should have" I couldn't get anything in order anymore
"Babe. Im coming to get you"
I was sick again. All over myself.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasiAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.