Chapter 22: Your mine

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Jacob slammed the hood down on some car he was working on.

Apparently Jacob had his own mechanic business. That explains why he was able to spend so much time with me at a drop of a hat. He runs this place. I was currently leaning on the aide of the car, watching him.

"You're going to this party even though that dick could be there?"

"Yes, im not asking for you permission Jacob" I had to do my best to say calm.

"I don't want you to go!"

"Well im going! I've already spoken to Carlisle and Esme, and they are perfectly happy for me to go and make some new friends!"

Jacob walked over to some tool box thing, and started fiddling with the stuff.

"If he lays one hand on you…" there was a snap. I think he broke something.

"We don't even know if he's going to be there Jake. Honestly"

Jacob spun around, and came right up to me, pinning me against the side of the car. Shaking me by the shoulders. "And what if he IS! What will he do to you next?"

I rose my eyebrows at him "do you know something about Shawn that I don't?"

He frowned at me when I said his name. "No I just know his… type"

"His type? And what type is that Jacob?" I knew exactly what type he was on about. There was only one type. The Edward Cullen type. "Well Im sorry to tell you Jacob, Shawn isn't some vampire trying to steal me away from you ok! Im going to this party whether you like it or not! And Shawn hasn't even looked at me in the past three days"

Jake looked taken aback by my outburst, well it was more to do with that I said, not how I said it.

He ran his grease covered hands through his hair and sighed deeply.

"Look Kate. Just please don't go. Your mine and i-"

"Im yours?" I cut him off, and shrugged out from under his grip and stood opposite him "You don't own me. I am NOT yours! And Im going to this damn party!"

I turned around and stormed out of the garage ignoring Jacob calling me back.

"Kate! How are you going to get home!"

"I'll walk!" I shot back at him coldly. And I just left him standing there in the garage-shop door way.

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