Holiday! That's what we were doing, we were all on holiday. I made sense of it, where we were I don't know but It was hot and sunny and quite dusty with big fields of flowers… maybe crops? Must be somewhere in the south.
And now we were walking towards… a bus? A big yellow school bus. My brain didn't even question it - we all just got on it, and Emmett was there along with everyone else who I didn't register, he was leaning over the back of his seat in front of me grinning about something.
The scene changed again, and we were all in this big house with wood everywhere – not stacks of wood laying around, just like wood panelling on the walls and a big wooden stair case.
Why were we on holiday in a boarding house? There were people everywhere, coming and going from room to room. Again my brain just went along with it.
I was upstairs in the next instant, standing in a bedroom with a big white bed in the middle of the room and Jacob was lying on the bed eating something. Then there was a girl in the room, leaning by the chest of draws that had suddenly appeared. My brain registered her as Emma Roberts the actress although I couldn't make out her features clearly.
She was flirting with Jacob.
"Remember our first time?" she giggled
"Yes, of course I do" Jacob's husky voice answered her.
My blood was boiling. They were talking about their first time, together! And I was standing in our bed room watching.
Then I looked at her, and she was pregnant!
"This is your baby" he silky voice said to Jacob.
I wanted to die. "You got her pregnant!" my brain told me that I said these words. Jacob looked at me coldly.
"Yea, what's wrong with that?" my heart squeezed.
"Get her to leave, we need to talk about our baby" she demanded.
And the white door was slammed in my face.
My eyes snapped open, and I realised I had been dreaming, that's why nothing made sense -but my heart was in my throat and my panic was real.
I turned my head to the right and found Jacob wide awake staring at me.
"What?" I asked him, still trying me separate the dream from reality.
"Your heart was beating like a train, and I could feel your panic while you were sleeping. What were you dreaming about?"
I sighed heavily, and rolled onto my side to face Jacob "Nothing, I just had a bad dream that's all" I snuggled in closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around me.
"It's ok, im here" he soothed. "Want to tell me what happened?"
"Not really" I don't like talking about my dreams. Especially dreams where my boyfriend was going to be a father to someone else's baby.
"Go to sleep then babe" he kissed me gently.
I better tell you what's happened, Emily had her baby – a boy after all - and she went ahead and called him Riley. Riley Call.
She gave birth to him about 3 months ago, and he was a whopper – 8lb.9 Glad it was her and not me.
She went into labour in the house; Me, Jacob, Emmet and Embry were the only ones in at the time.
She was screaming and yelling at the top of her lungs after about 3 hours after her first contraction, and I don't think it helped when Emmett dug out a video camera and I was jumping up and down on the sofa filming it shouting "let's turn this into paranormal activity 3!" with Emmett flicking the lights on and off.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.