This was it, if he's done anything to her; I was going to kill him. I felt sick to the stomach when I heard her on the phone, I've never heard her sound like that. Something's happened I could feel it.
"Dude, we'll come with you" Quill and Paul were running after me as I ran to my car.
"We'll help you kill the bastard, don't worry" Paul was now my brother in law, and he was taking his role seriously.
"Hurry then!" I snapped at them as I ripped open my car door. Quill hadn't even got his door closed before I was tearing off.
"Left down there, that's the house." Trust Quill to know where the party would be.
I slammed the breaks on, and flew out of the car.
I could feel the pull towards her, but it wasn't coming from the house. My head snapped up it was coming from up the road. I broke out into a sprint.
"KATE!" I yelled out.
Then I could see her then, she looked terrible. She was pale and sweating and covered in sick, she was slummed to the side on the edge of the sidewalk.
"Oh my god Kate!" I ran over to her, kneeling down in front of her, helping her to sit up. My poor girl could hardly keep her eyes open. She wasn't drunk, I knew that much. This was worse.
"What happened to you?" then as she moved her leg, I could smell him all over her. Shawn. That's when the shaking started and my vision started to cloud over.
Pauls hand slapped down on my shoulder "Don't, she needs you" his eyes were focused on her leg, and when I finally managed to focus in again, I could see the scram marks on the inside of her thigh.
I reached out and touched her leg, and she jumped and tried to push me away.
"Babe, it's me. You're safe now. Im here"
She started crying then, she was hardly making any sense at all.
"Keep her conscious man. We'll go find him" Quill and Paul ran off to the house. Oh he was going to die.
I held her head up and made her focus on me.
"What's happened? What did he do to you? Did he- did he-" I couldn't even finish the sentence.
"Jake…" she mumbled and managed to open her eyes. "Im sorry…"
"Don't. You have nothing to be sorry about"
Her eyes were closing again, I didn't know what to do, so I used my alpha voice "Kate. Keep your eyes open. Do you hear me?"
She managed to open her eyes and look at me.
"Come here" I helped her stand up, and then I picked her up and carried her back to my car. I opened the door, and sat her in the seat, and laid it back. I looked down at her.
"You stay awake until I get back. Ok? You need to be awake for me when I get back"
She nodded weekly, as I shut the door.
I ran to the house, shoving people out of the way. I followed my brother's scent upstairs, and then I found them holding him for me until I got there.
"Hey Rix!" he turned to look at me, and I pulled my arm back and let it snap forward. There was a satisfying crack of his nose, but it wasn't enough. The image of Kate lying on the side of the road, because of this bastard flashed through my mind. And I punched him again.
This time he fell to the floor.
"I didn't do anything man!" he shouted up at me while he cupped his nose like a pussy.
I leaned down and got in his face and shouted "You bastard! I know what you've done to my girlfriend, and I swear if it's what I think it is. You're going to die. But im not going to kill you tonight, it would be to easy" I laughed with no humour at all.
"He plays football Jacob. Don't you Rix!" Paul landed a blow in his gut. Then he looked up at me "I don't think he should play anymore do you?"
"No I don't" I agreed "You're nothing but a filthy rapist, Rix."
By the time we'd finished with him, he was crying like a little baby. And he wasn't going to be playing football anytime soon. It's quite difficult with two broken legs.
I ran back to the car with my boys on my heel. My heart was pounding as I opened the door to the side that Kate was on. What if she's passed out? What if she's chocked? What if she's stopped breathing?
But thank god she was just lying there, with her eyes open, she was struggling but she'd kept them open.
"Baby, im here" I touched her face. "Im going to take you home ok"
she just whimpered in response.
I started the engine as soon as Quill and Paul climbed in the back.
"Dude, she looks rough" Quill stated
"Thanks man! I'd never have known!" I really was on the end of my tether.
"Calm down Jake. Just hurry and get her back home"
"I should have got to her sooner! FUCK!" I slammed my fist on the steering wheel.
Kate jumped and started to cough.
"Hold her head up!" I didn't mean to use my alpha voice on them, but I just couldn't help it.
Paul held her head up while she was sick all down herself.
"What sick bastard does this to a girl?" I knew what was going through Quills mind; he was imagining this happening to Claire.
"Shawn Rix. That's who" Paul was just as furious as I was.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.