I was on the verge of losing my temper. Big time! There were no fucking clubs worth going to in this shitty little town!
We were back in the car now, and I was taking my temper out on the car, I was pushing 90mph.
"Let's just go get a bottle of vodka or something" Emily was just as pissed off as I was.
"Ok" I was so annoyed.
I pulled up outside some run down little shop, and got out. I must say the way we looked really did suit the car that I was driving. I slammed the door shut, and sauntered into the little shop.
We went straight to our favourite aisle. I picked up 2 bottles of vodka, one for Emily and one for mwah! And then I got some beers, if I had nothing else to do, we mays as well go and see Jacob.
We got to the checkout and there was some fat smelly man, sitting there reading a paper. I banged the bottled and cans down on the counter to get his attention, and when he looked up, his eyes nearly popped out of his grubby little face. I gave him one of my death glares and he didn't even ask to see ID.
We got back in the car, and just sat there for a while listening to the radio, and drinking some of our vodka. I drank nearly half of it by the time we decided to get going.
I felt amazing; this is what I could have done with earlier.
We were giggling and singing to the radio, as I drove down to Jacobs place. I really had to concentrate on driving. I mean I didn't want to kill us both.
I finally managed to find Jacobs cute little house, and pulled up outside.
Me and Em got out, I was still holding onto my bottle, and she was carrying the beers, and we knocked on his front door.
I knocked about 3 times.
"Kate, I don't think he's in" I grumbled and took another chug of my vodka. I really wanted to see Jacob.
"Com- come on" Emily nearly lost her balance as we stepped down of the porch and I couldn't help but laugh. I really loved this girl – oops there's the drinking kicking in. That's the thing with vodka, you don't get drunk gradually (well I don't anyway) one second im sober then the next BAM im totally drunk.
We were in a fit of giggles walking saideways-ish back to the car, when we heard voices coming from the little garage next to jakes house.
Me and Emily both stood there watching the garage, listening to the voices.
"What if he's got a girl in there?" I couldn't help but say it. I really would have a break down if he did. I don't know why I felt like this, I just did.
"Well…" Em just looked at me, and grinned.
"Yea, let's go and find out!" I fast waked over to the garage preparing myself for something that might not even happen.
I burst into the garage staggering a little, with my bottle in my hand. What a picture I must have looked like. Oh and yea, there was no girl.
But there were like… loads of guys. There was Seth, Jake and some other guy. Ok, ok it looked like loads. They're just so big. They were all sitting on sofas scattered around the garage eating pizza and god knows what else.
"Kate!" Jacob stood up off the sofa that he was lounging on and came over to me, grabbing me by the arm. "God, why didn't you answer when I rung. You worried me."
I had some sarcastic remark lined up ready and waiting, but when I looked into his eyes it just vanished. I didn't even get a chance to say anything because he pulled me over to his sofa, and sat me down next to him. He looked me right in the eyes and shook me a little. "What's wrong, have you been drinking?" he then spotted the vodka bottle in my hand "have you drunk all that!"

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.