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At the end of the day I was drained from math class. I mean what's the point and why would I ever need any of this in the real world.

"Hey man, you coming?" My best friend, Killian, asked me

"Where?" I asked distracted by looking for 'her'

"Practice, football practice, big game tonight remember" he told me

"Oh, I wow I actually forgot I have to go" I said

"You can't go your captain and since when has my best friend had other plans then they sport he loves" 

"I'm picking up my brother today I just need to drop him off" I said still looking. It's five minutes after the bell and she's always long gone by now. Where could she be?

I texted my mom asking if she can pick up Logan and Rayanna cause I have practice and right away she answered that she's already there.

"What the hell are you looking for" he asked

"Looking for? No one." I said standing up kind of disappointed

"She's in the auditorium, I saw her go in there with that Katrina girl and never come out."

"Who?" I asked even though I know he knows and my feet were already leading me to the auditorium while he shook his head at me.

She's just the girl I left behind that I did try really hard to keep by my side but we did loose it and she moved on but I always wanted to see us back in each others lives. Plus she's the only girl who doesn't throw herself at me in fact I think she avoids eye contact with me. Actually Katrina doesn't throw her self at me, the opposite actually she is not afraid of checking my friends or me out but the second they try to talk to her she's grossed out its actually really amusing.

"They are definitely in there" Killian said as we heard their signature laugh coming from the room along with some other noise.

I slowly opened the door and sunk in closing the door slowly at first I only saw darkness but then I saw there was a huge screen and it was playing a movie with I think was 'Neighbours'

"Is everyone allowed to do this?" Killian asked me but I ignored him not really sure how to answer that.

"Okay bro, you got your stalker on, now can we get to practice?" He asked

I really don't have any interest in practicing today I'll just go to the game no big deal.

"You can go, I'm gonna join my good friends Kimmie and Katrina"

"You can't because when they ask where you are you know I'm a bad liar, I'll tell them and they will come find you" he said

"Then you don't go either Killian, do what ever you want" I said dropping my bag about to go sit with the girls


"What now?"

"I just... Well I don't talk to girls that's actually your job" he explained making me shake my head

"What the hell are you doing here?" Someone said snapping me out of my conversation with Mr.notsoladiesman. Both girls were standing up movie paused just looking very unimpressed.

"Answer the question. Why are you here and not with my little sister?"Kim asked, I could see the familiar disappointment in her eyes.

"My mom picked them up, I have practice" I said

"Your skipping actually"Killian added

"Shut up" I whispered

"Then go to practice you shouldn't be in here, like what do you want. What ever it is we don't have so goodbye" Katrina said. I always notice just how happy Kim's friends make her even that one guy they hang out with. She always needs to fight a smile around them.

"If I'm correct you shouldn't be in here either, and I thought you had work or did you just want me to pick up your sister so you could was a movie" I said finally making them lost for words

"Work starts in an hour" Kat answered

"We just want to join the party and we won't tell anyone but if not, my coach is just down the hall" I said

"Fine what ever just lock the door behind you.. And get your friend to stop starring at me like that" Kat said turning to Kim and whispering something as I hit Killians arm.

"Don't ruin this for me!" I said before going to lock the auditorium doors and then walking up the isles Starring at her while Killian went to sit beside Kat.

"Hi I'm Killian!" He said holding out a hand for Kat to shake

"Kat" she said ignoring his hand and pressing play.

Kimberly shifted closer to Kat as I sat down but I mean I guess I can't expect anything else.

"Good movie?" I asked

"Great, your just lucky I got her to watch something other than Jurassic World. I swear I know every line now and dinosaurs annoy the living shit out of me" she laughed

What she said wasn't even that funny but it make me laugh along with her.

"You have a nice laugh" I said to her

"You don't need to charm me I know my laugh sounds like a dying walrus" she said shaking her head looking up at the movie

I ended up sitting back and relaxing not even watching but switching between looking at Kim and then looking at Killian look at Kat while Kat had this annoyed look on her face. The movie wasn't done by the time Kat turned it off.

"We have work and we can't leave you two alone in here" Kat said to us getting up and starting to put stuff away

"That's fine. We have fun!" Killian said
Instead of saying anything back the girls just kept quiet so i tried to star up a conversation

"We should do this again sometime" I said making sure to show m my sparkly teeth.

"You don't need to do that" she laughed gathering her stuff

"Do what?"

"Do your whole charm thing I'm good actually, we have had enough interaction today for a while so yeah this was a no strings movie. Your welcome" she said

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