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The next few days everyone always ended up sleeping over. It was just habit and to be honest nice cause I'm actually scared of staying in the barn alone. But today only holland is staying over and I am rushing to the mall to get him a present. Why? It's our four month anniversary and he texted me last night that he is excited to celebrate.

Yes. We have become the cheesiest couple in the world and I sorta like it. The only problem is I don't know what to get Holland. Ive walked the mall three times and still nothing but a card.

"Excuse me" someone said startling me.

"Hi" I smiled

"Your on YouTube right?" She asked blushing

"Yeah I am, do you watch our videos?" I asked

"Yeah, I saw your new one today I couldn't stop laughing.. Do you think you'll do a meet and greet soon?" She asked

"A meet and greet?"

"Yeah, I just know a lot of people want to meet you guys, we all really look up to your friendship especially the people who don't have many friends, my friends are mean to me" she whispered the last part.

"Then they don't deserve you babe, look if you look at it I don't have many friends either I have two girl friends and I'm really lucky to have two amazing girls in my life. And I have Jacob and Killian who are my best guy friends"

"Guys don't even talk to me"

"Good cause guys are stupid look Jacob is my dance partner so that's how we connect and Killian is my boyfriends best friend and dating my best friend so he is legally my best friend. See babe you'll find good people in the darkest places I promise you'll have as many friends as you want one day and sadly you'll find out who aren't your real friends in really sad ways too" I said

"Thanks.. I needed that little talk" she smiled and asked if she could hug me. We took a photo before going our separate ways and I smiled because I didn't know how much our videos effect people who watch them.

I ended up getting holland one of his signature button up tops and then went to an engraving place and got a new watch engraved for him

'I love you more
every second'

I then popped into Victoria's Secret and got a purple lace set before going to get a new outfit for tonight since all I have is leggings and hoodies its bad.

When I left the mall it was only two hours before he was coming over and the weather was awful the sky's were so grey it was already dark and the rain hit the ground so hard it would sting on the skin. the thunder and lightning shook the ground with every blow. To say the least my ride home was 3 times longer than it should have been.

When I got into the barn I ran to take a bath and get ready doing my make up while replying to people on Twitter.

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