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Holland and I walked to the guidance office to get our university acceptance letters if any. Everyone who applied for university got them today so all people were doing was opening the letters. We applied so many of the same places and places near school of the arts schools, since kat and Kim would probably get into those schools, kat would go for art and Kim for dance and we would all be really close.

"Last names?" The lady at the office said

"Anderson and Kohl" Holland said for us.

"Oh, here you go boys you have a lot of letters, good luck" she said handing me 12 and holland nine.

"Buddy!" He said smiling

"Come on let's go find the girls" I said as we walked the hall to the cafeteria. We looked around through all the people opening letters from university and in the corner we saw them sitting around with a pizza box and wings all laughing together.

We walked up to them and I couldn't see any letters from colleges or universities in their hands

"Hey" I said smiling at kat who reached for my hand and holland sat on Kim's chair with her

"Hey, what schools did you apply to?" Kim asked us

"We should be asking you the same thing.. did you not pick up your letters yet or.."

"We wouldn't have any letters cause we never applied" Nat answered us as holland and I exchanged a look

"What do you mean you didn't apply? Even holland remembered to apply" I said


"Sorry" i answered

"We didn't forget babe we just didn't apply" kat said

"Why? What do you plan on working at the nook for the rest of your lives" I said

"No, kat and I always planned to go backpacking after high school. All over the world as many countries as we can, I think I told you holland" Kim said

"Yeah when we started dating but I thought that, that was just a dream cause you have dance and you have schools fighting for you to dance for them. I thought you would go to university" he said

"I was going to but I'm still recovering I stopped dancing for a while and I want to learn more about world dance not just here. After the accident we agreed we all want to go travel" Kim answered him

"You cant seriously think that's a good idea" I said


"You didn't think to tell us? Until now? Until we applied to a bunch of schools near art schools just so we can be near you?"

"Well that was dumb" kat joked as I pulled my hand away from her

"Okay I'm sorry your mad killian but this is something we have always wanted to do and I want to travel with my best friends, not only that but YouTube is going to help us film as we go, it's not something we're gonna do with ten dollars in our pockets. We're putting YouTube first for once, people who watch our videos and fans we're putting them first. So I'm sorry if you don't support it but that's what's happening" Kat said

"We should probably head to class" holland said to me

"Yeah. Bye" I said

"Your not seriously mad at us for this are you?" Nat asked as we walked out of there as quick as possible.

(Later on)
I sat in my bed after finishing up some homework just feeling annoyed with the girls in general. They haven't tried to even text to clarify or say sorry. And they made my whole experience of opening laters so annoying. I was excited I was going to have dinner with my parents. I was- my phone buzzed for the first time since I got home and my rage paused for a second before.

Kat: outside

I got up and looked out my window to see her looking up at me with blue roses. I obviously smiled , I mean how can you not with that beautiful girl getting you flowers?

I can't tell you how quickly I got down there with my jacket. I ran out and stood on the porch as she smiled

"I knew you would be here and that you were feeling down so" she said holding out the flowers for me to take.

"Thank you" I smiled taking them and kissing her lips. She held onto my jacket and squeezed it tight. I can't imagine not having her around next year.

"Let's go to the barn?" She asked already heading to the car as I followed.

"I'm sorry about;" I said to her

"It's fine, let's just move on" she said while she drove. When we got into the barn Agee things were happening. Rayanna and Logan were playing in the dinning room with colouring books set up.

And Nat was sleeping wrapped in a blanket and Holland and Kim were decorating the house getting ready for the after prom party since prom is only till 12:30 am she's invited everyone over for the after party.

they seemed like they were getting along just fine so they probably tried to just forget about the university thing too.

"Oh great Killian your here. Can you and holland go get the lights in car?" Kim asked holding out the keys. Holland shook his head and nodded taking the keys before kissing her forehead. I followed him out and he noticed RIGHT away this is still bothering me

"Why are you still grumpy?" He asked unlocking the car

"I'm not.." I answered

"You are- and does this girl only eat McDonald's . her cars a mess" he said laughing to himself

"How can you not be mad right now holland? I'm still upset"

"I was mad killian. I was but I did this thing called communicating. That's something you do in a relationship. How do I know that and you don't?"

"Kat and I communicate"

"Did you talk about it?" He asked

"Well, she acknowledged it" i said

"Well I got here and yelled, I yelled at her for a few minutes, I told her I was so mad, i couldn't handle it. I told her how we based our school selection on them." He said


"And she yelled back she got upset but then we were able to hear each other's sides and I'm happy for her. If she wants to go on this trip. I am: WELL not about the part they left out. They are going to be surfing and man I'm terrified. I'm scared she's not going to be okay. That it's not going to be alright, that she's going to be scared and I'll be miles away. Oceans away. But i believe my girlfriend is making the right decision for her. And we opened up the university letters, i got into all nine and she googled all of them for hours, telling me the perks of them all and the cons. So now I'm going to school for me. Not her but for me. And we're both happy just cause we're both going to be happy even if that means we're apart." He said

"But kat and I never talk like that. Sometimes I just think she knows what to do to get me to shut up. But this time I want to understand because right know i think she's being dumb skipping a year."

"Dude girls are dumb. Talk it out so you stop being a downer and then you can make up. Trust me making up is fun" he said just as we went back in the house.

"Got them?" Kim asked

"Yeah, can I borrow the room, or if there's an empty room. ?" I asked

"My bedrooms empty if you-" Kim started

"Great, Katrina, a word" I asked already heading up

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