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Everyone woke up from our naps around 3 pm for a BBQ and to go check out the water. We were all in our bathing suits except for Kim who told us to go ahead but that was a while ago.

"Hey" Killian said

"If you ruin my sand castle I swear" I said. He sat down beside me and put his hand around my waist

"So I told my mom to be nicer, I told her that I really like you so if she has a problem with you it's not okay and i back you up one hundred percent." He said

"Killian! Why did you do that now she's going to think I'm not a strong enough woman to say that to her myself or something!" I said

"Wait? Your mad?"

"Yes I'm mad I don't want to ruin your relationship with your mother, look at her she's staring us down" I said trying to push his hand away but he held on.

"Hey, your my girlfriend, plus I'm kinda proud to stand up to her" he said kissing my lips

"What are you doing?" I said feeling conscious about kissing her son in front of her

"Kissing my girlfriend" he said

"Your pretty hot when you think your rebellious" I laughed

"Think? I'm so rebellious" he laughed. My felt so many sparks as he kissed me my stomach turned

"Oh yeah, how?" I asked

"Yesterday I didn't put the milk back in the fridge after making cereal"

"Damn! You bad boy" I laughed

"And i also went to a cemetery to catch a Pokemon at 2 am" he said

"Shit, my Pokemon playing boyfriend is a real bad ass" I said laughing

"Okay, break it up you two, group meeting" holland said

"Yeah, some of us have to keep our food down" Nat joked

"Shut up!" I laughed getting up.

The four of us went a little closer to the house and stood on the deck, I got a weird feeling because usually group meetings include all of us but one is missing.

"So, holland brought up a really good point, are we going to stick to -"

"Hey guys" Alina said smiling

"Oh hey," we all said awkwardly, a silence fell between us until she caught on, "okay.. I'll be in the house then" she said heading inside

"Guys that felt mean" I said

"What I was saying was are we planning to tell Kim about how we got videos and pictures of her recovery or.."

"She's gonna be mad" holland spoke

"We honestly had no right to see any of that, a lot of it was really sad" I said

"We should be honest with her.. Right?" Killian asked. We all fell quiet before I spoke

"She's gonna be mad. Extremely mad and her mom said right now stress isn't good for her or her recovery. We weren't the only ones getting updates, my mom got some and some of the neighbours. You also remember that night right?" I asked

"The night of the leek? Yeah that video of her trying to walk for the first time, I remember crying just watching it " Nat said

"Everyone saw that, all your subscribers everyone" holland spoke

"Look we just got her back are we really ready to loose her again?" Nat asked

"She's also really close with her mom and dad now, you remember their relationship before? If Kim finds out her mom was giving out photos.." I said

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