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"That was about me! I swear" Katrina said as I drive her home from church

"That priest wasn't talking about you" I assured her

"Your mom said she's been talking to the priest and he literally said we need to protect the kids we raised from temptation that comes in. He was looking right at me" Kat said

"He wasn't. My mom wouldn't do that. Hey she did like your dress"

"Yeah it's Kim's I hate it I feel like I'm choking. Kim said to keep it maybe I can just give it to your mom if she likes it so much"

"Your over reacting"

"No she called my boots stripper boots Killian"

"She said they are classy though"

"She hates me. What did I even do. She hates me and I don't know why. I'm nice to you, I give you candy I hang out with you, I'm friends with your friend, I'm respectful I just don't see what I did wrong"

"Do you want me to ask?" I asked her

"No she will think I'm too scared to do it myself. It's fine"she answered when I stopped at her house

"So your going to go see Kim?" She asked

"Yeah, I don't know if I should change or.."

"Your nervous relax she doesn't blame you. Just relax" she said

"O-okay" I said kissing her cheek

"Call me later" she smiled before closing the door. I made a u-turn and headed for Kim's house and in the middle of the drive holland called me. My car picked up the call so I answered in speaker

"Hey," he said

"Hey, I'm going now if that's what your wondering"

"Oh I wasn't.. Um. Have fun" he said awkwardly


"Okay then, bye" he said as I shook my head before pulling into Kim's drive way. Her mom waved at me from their garden and then I knocked on the barn. The door quickly swung okay and Kim jumped into my arms.
I smiled immediately feeling okay and spun her around

"I missed you so much, like a lot" she said

"I'm so sorry"

"Killian that was my fault not yours. You were only helping me out.. I hope you haven't been blaming yourself this entire time" she said

I tired to smile and shake my head but that would be lying. I ran that day over and over again in my head thinking that I could have just told them or never have sent her out there I should have insisted on going with her.

"Oh no you do" she said holding my hand and leading my in the barn

"Killian don't blame yourself. It's a dark place. I seriously never for a second blamed you. I don't even blame myself. It was meant to happen. And look at me, I'm okay"

"Where's all the soap?" A guy called wrapped in just a towel. She turned to look at him and I could see something there

"Oh hello" he said waving to me. I waved back and she blushed and turned back around before answering that it's in the washroom upstairs.

"Thanks, nice to meet you, Killian right?" He asked

I nodded before he went upstairs and I have Kim a look.

"What?" She asked

"Who's he, a one night stand or.."

"What no! Geez no! He's my personal trainer" she said and then looked up the stairs before leaning in and whispering

"But we kissed twice and we are talking about a date." She whispered


"I know, but what about, we a lot to talk about Killian. I have a lot to teach you, take notes" she said standing up and going to the kitchen

She got two bowls out and put some vanilla ice cream and hit fudge in the bowls before sitting down.

"Well I don't know, I lean Kat talks to a lot of guys I guess I don't like that, or my mom, she doesn't like my mom so I don't know what to do, my mom loves everyone. And I don't know"

"Well first of all Kat isn't a cheater understand that. She never will. Ever. She is down for you Killian I see it"


"Yeah, all the bullshit you've been playing on not trusting her would have made her run from anyone else but not you. She's trying with you. But she won't try forever. Killian she hasn't done anything to show you that you can't trust her so why are you doing this?" Kim asked me

"I don't know aloft of the other football players always talk about how she's out of my league. And it's true she's so cool and she's nice, so pretty. And I'm just me"

"You slay Killy bear. Your better then all those football players. When they say stuff like that ask where their girlfriends are? You wanna know where? They ain't got any because they say dumb shit like that" she said

"I missed you" I spoke

"I know and with your mother, no offence because I love your mom but you gotta stop being such a baby. What you need to do is go tell your mom taut Katrina is your girlfriend and she has a big roll in your life so they need to get along or your mom can scoot"

"I can't tell my mom to scoot"

"Boy, you better tell your mom that Mars needs moms and your ready to donate if she can't be nice to your girlfriend"

"Well then" he said

"Am I clear then kohl?" I asked


"Now let's play scrabble"

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