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"What about her she's.. nice" I said as Killian and I walked the hallway. It's been a week since Killian basically fleed the barn and it's also prom day/night.

"I'm not going Holland" Killian whined

"Killian, your going. This is the last night we have together till we go away from here tomorrow is GRAD and that's it . The next week I'll be spending it with Kim before they leave and then with my family before you and I leave." He said

"We are sharing a dorm we will be fine"

"I don't think your fine buddy. It's been some time your wearing sweats and flipflops to school." I tried

"I just dumped the girl of my dreams so yeah I'm a little upset." He said

"Okay love Katrina but it's time I be the pushy best friend bud, there's plenty of fish in the sea."

"Would you agree with that if I said that about Kim"

"We.. No but Kim and I are different" I said walking in the hall

"What happens when she leaves?"

"She and i go our separate way. We know the long distance thing will only make us hate each other so we're going to be friends, like we were a long time ago. Best friends and that's all we know." I explained

"Then what's the point-"

"Dude don't make me over think this. The point is we got more time. I have more time with the only girl I have ever truly loved"

"Maybe I should talk to Katrina, I want to go to prom but if that would be uncomfortable for her I would rather.." he tried to get out of it

"You would rather? No she's not an aspect in your life anymore you don't need to account for her feelings now. There are three girls in that room over there. Pick one and ask them to go with you." Holland said

"Hey guys, have you seen Kim? She said she would meet me somewhere so we can go do our hair together?" Alina said mainly to me

"Killian I'm sorry-"

"Do you want to go to prom with me?" He asked her

"Me? You want to .. go to prom with me?" She asked

"Yeah, are you in?" Killian asked her as my eyes widened. And I saw Kim come into the school

"You stole my sweater?" I asked her as she came and hugged me

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"You stole my sweater?" I asked her as she came and hugged me

"Its cool! You know your loosing half your clothes when I'm leaving right?" She asked

"I figured.. that for me?" I asked taking her drink and taking a sip

"Ew! What the fuck is that?"I asked wiping my lips

"A kale smoothing, come on its not that bad"

"Its that bad. So bad I'm not going to kiss you just to avoid the taste again" I said

"Hey, your really no fair. I could have met Alina in the car but no I came to see you so you owe my a kiss" Kim said pouting

"Fine" I joked rolled my eyes and stepped forward putting my hands around her lower back and squeezing as our lips touched and my lips were left tingling.

"So what's happening over here?" She asked looking at Killian who was almost sweating as Alina finally said yes. He didn't smile or anything when she did he only nodded

"That's great, its going to be a fun night" he said akwardly. I could see the old Killian come back. I don't like it. My best friend a few months ago wasn't confident, he had given up on being anything but ordinary and I think he's scared of changed that's why he wants to follow life's rules. Katrina showed him he was more then just the friend he was cool and interesting and could do what ever he wants. I don't know how it get him back to that place.

"What's going to be a fun night?" Kim asked

"Killian here is going to prom with Alina" I told her as I noticed her crazy eyes she gets when she doesn't like something

"Okay" she said

"Okay?" Killian asked in surprised

"Yeah, okay. Its just you know kat doesn't really like Alina, no offence. And any girl in this room would have said yes to you. So why would you pick someone how would rain on kats day" she said

"I'm not doing this to hurt kat, did It cross your mind I'm doing this for me? Your supposed to be my friend too you know?"

"Your friend Killian? I called you ten times and you ignored them all. All of my texts?

Even when I needed you that day I personally asked you for you ignored me so no. Your not my priority. We can be all butt hurt for you anymore. She's the one who got dumped.

So what's your problem with me, because I'm not apart of what ever happened to you guys but you still shut me out?" Kim asked him

"It's nothin-"

"No seriously tell me cause I need to know why someone I considered my best-"

"Its the fact that your going back in the water. Your going to surf again? You just made it this time what happens if another shark-"

"Killian" i said just as Kim's eyes watered and I gave him death eyes

"I'm not even going to argue with you because it's a waste of time. You weren't there no one is going to tell me what to do because you weren't there. You didn't look death in the face because if you did, you would want to do everything that made you happy before you meet death again." She said fighting the feeling of crying


"Look you can bring who ever you want to prom. Just know Nat and I have worked so hard to even get kat to go. And she's excited she's so excited. So if I see her looking sad for even one second. If I see you anywhere near her, I will make sure you don't walk the graduation stage tomorrow and don't think I'm joking" she said

"You won't have to, Ill leave her alone"

"And you make Alina's night great. Her dress is blue a baby blue so your tie better compliment that. You treat her like a princess. I know your hurting right now but don't forget you were once the nicest guy in the world and can make any girl feel like she's at the top of the world. You do that for Alina. And dance with her, make her laugh. You be the Killian my best friend fell in love with." Kim said making me smile.

She makes me fall in love with her every day just how she cares so much about her friends how she wants everyone to have a nice night. I don't want to say good bye to her. I love her too much.

"I will" Killian said finally smiling for the first time.

"I know you will.. and don't forget." She said

"Save a dance for you at midnight, I know" he said

"Yes" she laughed

"And come to my after party. It would be rude if you didn't show up for your best friends party,"

"Were best friends again?" Killian laughed

"Your an annoying little shit but, I love you" she laughed

"Alina ready to go?" Kim asked her who nodded

"I'll see you tonight" I winked at Kim who smiled and the girls left leaving Killian with me in a better mood then before.

"Missed my best friend" he said under his breath smiling.

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