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I sat beside Kat in the kitchen and Kim sat across from us as we asked Kat about what she remembers from last night.

"What happened after you saw Leslie?" Kim asked her

"She asked me if I think she would be with Nat I think, if I approve." She said

"What did you say?"

"I said I don't think it's my place and then she lost it saying i need to say I do or Nat wouldn't want to date her. At this point I was freaked out so I said that it would be easier to say all that if I didn't find this whole situation scary"

"And then?" Kim asked

"And then she said sorry and asked me if I wanted water so we can start over again so I said yes and she brought me the drink"

"Was it a glass or bottle?" Kim asked

"What does it matter?" Kat asked rubbing her head

"Because if bi.tch drugged you we need to know"

"I don't"

"I do, if she can do this to you she can do it to Nat"

"Can we please hurt off mama Kim for now? My head hurts and I can't think of anyone wake getting hurt right now"

"Just keep going, you drink the water and.." I started

"And nothing. All I remember is waking up on the side walk of some street and calling you" she said

"Can I got sleep again?" She asked still out of it. We both nodded and watched her go upstairs before Kim kicked the garbage can before taking out the garbage and going outside to take it out. I followed her around the house and watched her put the bag way before hugging her.

"It's all going be okay" I said but I felt her freeze and then step away from me charging to Natalia and Leslie who were holding hands and coming our way. I chased after her and tried to catch her but failed

"Are you happy? What was the point?" She yelled at Leslie

"Woah what? What's going on?"Natalia asked

"Ask she devil number one! Or do you forget drugging my best friend and leaving her in the middle of nowhere scared and alone?" She yelled at the top of her lungs

"Drug?" Natalia asked

"Simon says speak bitch!" Kim yelled at Leslie who hasn't said a single word

"She's lying can't you see? She was drinking we both were but she drunk way too much we both fell asleep and she was gone when I woke up. You have to believe me. She's lying" Leslie said

Why does so much bullshit come out of your mouth. I know your writing Leslie I sadly sat beside you during study period" Kim said holding up the letter which Natalia took in shock

"She said you and Nat were meeting her last night?" I asked mainly Nat

"..you didn't ask me to hang out" Natalia said to Leslie.

"Can we talk, can you just hear me out?" Leslie asked Nat who pulled her hand away.

"Not here. Your not welcome anywhere near my friends" Kim said

"Im telling the truth I swear, you believe me right Natalia?" She asked

"I-I have to go see Kat" she said pushing passed Leslie bumming her purse on the ground and spilling its contents.

We all froze as Leslie bent down and scurried to pick something up which I grabbed from her. It was an empty bottle of pills.

"Melizopam" I read looking at Natalia and Kim

"It's a sleep aid. Can cause you to lose any memory of what's happening, makes you Sad and confused when taken In large amounts you can forget a whole night" Nat explained shaking her head in tears as Leslie begged for her to come back

"Please come back! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She said crying

"I never thought.. Your an awful human being Leslie do you know that? One day you will get all the negativity you put out in the world back, and for that, I am sorry" Kim said before going inside

I stepped up closer to her before making myself clear

"If you ever hurt my girls again I will make your life a living hell. See, I'm not going to wait for the world to get you back." I said going inside.

After locking the door, no one was downstairs so I set up the pull out couch and then went to go check on the girls who were all cuddling on the bed not sleeping but just hunk in and being there for each other.

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