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"Honey what are you doing?" My mom asked shaking me awake


"Holland come on, your not even packed we talked about this, I know you don't know what you want to do with your life but this trip to these colleges are critical, the bus leaves in 30 minutes and it's a nine hour drive on a bus with your peers, your not bathed your not packed and I'm working so you need to drop your brother off at the hospital come on honey"

"The college tour isn't until like two weeks from now"

"No I told you that two weeks ago"


"Holland" my mother warned

"Sorry" I answered getting up

"Okay jump into the shower for like two seconds I'll pack you some snacks and stuff for the road when your done pack everything you need and remember your pillow, then you'll have time to drop your brother off and get to that bus" she said running out of my room.

I shook my head and took a bath, the faster I get this trip over with the faster my mom will stop nagging me about college.

Yay a trip with a bunch of nerds and Killian. Remind me to never leave my mom and Killian's mom in the same room again.

When I finished taking a shower I packed a bag and went down to see my mom with my back pack packed with a what ever she put in here. I saw my brother at the door waving as my mom grabbed my laptop, iPad and phone plus the charger.

"I love you, don't just party this week take it seriously see if college is for you"

"The only person I know is Killian and his bed time is like 7pm, trust me I'll pay attention.. I love you mom" I said giving her one last one then getting in the car with my brother and bringing to drive to school.

"Carter and I had so much fun this weekend, mommy took us to football games and we signed up for kids football! I'm going to be just like you Holly"

"That's cool little buddy, did you go with Rayanna"

"Well I wanted to but carter said girls are weird and that they have cooties, anyways she doesn't like football like me, and I don't like colouring like her."

"But she's still your best friend? Right?" I asked

"David said hanging out with girls makes me a woosie so I don't think we are best friends anymore, plus I have a lot of fun with my new friends" he answered when we parked at his school.

"Bye Holly, love you"

"Love you too bud" I answered watching him go to his 'new friends'.

"Shit" I said driving to my school. Its suddenly hitting me that it's bound that Logan and Rayanna may end up just like Kim and I.

I felt electricity rush through me as I thought of her and wondered if we would even talk today or just go back to not talking, I don't really know how it works you know?

I have ever actually wanted to talk to a girl after a date usually I spend the day after hiding and ignoring their texts now .. It's different. I saw people getting on the bus and Killian waving at my car as I parked, got my things and checked in with the nearest teacher.

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