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I had sent the others home after the signed for their classes, I decided to volunteer and check people in so if she comes here we will know.

But it was getting to 6:30 and there was no sign of her.

I felt my phone vibrant so I went to the side and answered it

"you answered" Katrina said

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know.. Any sign of her?" She asked

"If there was I would have called you."

"Oh, okay" she said

"So your not mad at me? Right? I'm just trying to figure out why your so distant" she said

"I'm still processing what you told me. What you kept from me" I said

"Y-you told me you weren't mad"

"Well I change my mind Kat! Okay I change my mad I'm mad. My own girlfriend doesn't trust me enough to tell me she got freaking drugged?"

"I trust you Killian, I just didn't think it would matter"

"I have to go"

"Well we need to talk about this."

"Yeah, we do" I said

"Kimberly it was nice seeing you have a goodnight" mr. baker said locking the school doors

"Kim!" I yelled running to the doors that were already locked

She looked at me for a second before getting pulled my Alina and they got got into a car.

"Sorry son, I didn't think any students were still here" he said

"It's fine" I answered running to my car and driving after it while pressing my car to text the others to go to the barn

"I stopped at the barn were Kat pulled up at the same time as I did and we both saw Kim and Alina going into the barn.

"We just want to talk!" Kat yelled as we ran after them

The door slammed and we knocked in it a few times

"I forgot my key we need to wait for holland" she said looking at her phone

"Oh so now your mad at me"

"Killian I'm not mad that's you" she answered

"Why didn't you tell me Kat? Do you not think I'm manly enough to take care of you"

"I didnt think okay, I called Kimberly because I knew she would come running that's it"

"Look where we are now! She's running away from you!" I said feeling bad the second I said it but I didn't take it back I couldn't.. I want to but I couldn't

"In here" holland said jogging over to us as Nat walked talking on the phone.

"Key," Kat said taking if from him and putting it into the slot. She pushed twice but it didn't budge

"She switched the locks, okay we officially messed up guys" Kat said walking past us

"Where are you going?" I asked

"I don't know" she answered getting into her car and driving away from us.

"Alina I don't understand why your ignoring too but it's really pissing me off so call me back thanks" Nat said leaving a message before we all drove back to Hollands house.

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