Imagine Andy Biersack- The Vacation

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Andy's event was in Hollywood, Aria had never really been out of town so she was really excited aboout road tripping with Andy. They stopped off at Aria's, her mum was out. She gave Andy the tour of her house, it didnt take long as her house was small. The last stop was her room. Her room was bare, nothing on the walls, no photos, just a desk and a large wardrobe. She opened a draw and picked up a few bits and pieces, her make-up and hair things. "how many days will i be gone?" she asked.

"depends. The event isn't until friday. so you've got tomorrow,friday, make our way back sunday?"

"sounds like a plan!" Aria picked out three of her best outfits and then a dress for Friday night. Luckily she put on comfortable clothes this morning, she pretty much lived in her black ripped jeans and band t-shirts. She had a hoodie on so Andy couldnt see the Black Veil Brides t-shirt she had on underneath.

 "Okay im ready". she turned around to see Andy sitting on her bed watching her. "Are you okay?"

"yes." He stood up and motioned for her to lead the way. They went down stairs, Aria retrieved some paper and and pen to write her mum a note. She made it short, and not so sweet. 'I've gone out of town with a friend. dont know how long i'll me gone.- A' 

Andy put her bags into his Cadillac El Dorado. She was really excited, she just hoped it wasnt showing. Andy and Aria spent the first five minutes deciding the line up of CD's, luckily that had very similar taste in music so they agreed on most of it. She felt very on edge, it still hadn't fully sank in that she was friends with Andy feakin' Biersack. "So hows the past month been?" She asked.

"Its been great, the gigs have been crazy. Good crazy. I missed you though."

"i missed you too, i lost my only friend!" she pouted.

"aw, thats not true, you have JJ"

"JJ's always 'ill' or off boning her ex boyfriend. i hardly ever see her anymore...Thank You, Andy."

"For what?"He looked confused.

"For being there, you've been a great friend."

"its no problem. Im glad i could be there for you.. I like talking to you, your fun, we have so much in common, its really great to have a friend like you."

Every few hours they would take turns driving so they could sleep, even if it was only for a little while. It was Aria's turn driving, Andy was asleep in the passenger seat, she tried not to look at him because she couldnt stop thinking about how cute he was, His ripped black jeans hung of his hips perfectly, his batman shirt revealed most of his tattoo's. "Concentrate Aria" she whispered to herself.

She pulled over at a service station. She had the munchies, and she really needed a cigarette. She picked up Andy's cigarette packet, it was almost empty. She slowly came to a stop in the parking space. "We're stopping." Andy mumbled. 

"Yeah, we're stopping. Are you getting out or staying here?"

"staying here, i dont want to risk being scene, im to tired for fan mobs."

"Okay. i'll get you some coffee."

When Aria came back Andy was sitting on his car bonnet, his phone in one hand, cigarette in the other. "Coffee, black no sugar, cigarettes and gummy bears"

"Your amazing, thank you." He took the coffee and cigarettes from her and put them on the bonnet. Aria did the same with the gummy worms and her coffee. She lit up a cigarette and stood in front of Andy. 

"How long have you smoked?" he asked.

"Since i was fourteen, You?

"um..since i was seventeen."

"Im trying to quit. its not working very well."

It was Andy's turn to drive, it didnt take long for Aria to drift into unconsciousness. When she next woke up it was Due to Andy opening her door. She opened her eyes and straight ahead was Andy's piercing blue eyes staring at her. "Where are we?" She mumbled, sitting up straight and turning to face him.

"motel, we're both really tired so i figured we should stop."

"Oh, okay" Aria got out of the car and shut the door. 

"I checked us in. room 4."


Se grabbed her bags and made her way to the room. Inside was a wardrobe, a few doors leading to mystery rooms and a double bed in the middle, the cover was a weird shade of yellow. 

"im so tired" Andy yawned.

"me too"  They dropped their bags by the door. 

"you take the bed, i'll sleep on the floor."

Aria retrieved her pajamas from her bag. "dont be crazy, we both adults, we're friends, im sure we can sleep in the same bed." She made her way to the bathroom to get changed.


Sudddenly he was nervous, he had never really slept in the same bed with a girl, unless they were having sex. Aria hadn't quite shut the door fully, he could see her standing over her sink wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and a bra. Andy quickly inhaled. He went over to his bag and dug out a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt, he never really wore pajamas, he usually slept in his underwear. By the time he was changed Aria walked out in the same shorts but this time she was also wearing a black tank top. She made her way to her bag and dug out a bottle of pills. On the bottle it had her name on it, underneath it said 'Lithium Carbonate'. "whats that?" he asked.

"My meds. I have to take one in the morning, one at night"

"what happens if you dont take them?" He looked curoious.

"i dont know ive never tried it. But ive heard stuff and seen it on programmes, people can get really fucking crazy."  

Aria crawled up the bed to sit next to him.She layed down, her hands by her side just like his. "Goodnight Andy."

"Goodnight Aria." He took her hand in his and they fell asleep together.

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