Imagine Andy Biersack- The Morning.

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Aria woke up with a headache. Groaning she turned over to look at Andy, he was still fast asleep. Aria layed there looking at him for a while, thinking about how lucky she was to have Andy back. Wriggling out of bed Aria threw on her black robe that came to her thighs to cover up her body that was only being covered by her matching black underwear. She tip toed out of her room and bumped into sammi who was doing the same. Sammi was also wearing a robe like Aria's but it was hot pink.

"Goodmorning!" She whispered.

"Hey. Coffee?"

"Yes please!" they both tip toed down the stairs and into the kitchen. Aria peered into the living room, Ashley was sat curled up in a ball on a chair, Josh and Keegan were both squashed on to a sofa together, Jake was spread out like a starfish in the middle of the floor,the only people missing were Andy, he was in her bed, Jinxx was still one of the spare rooms, CC and Harley were missing though.

"Where are CC and Harley?" Aria asked flipping the switch on the kettle.

"They hooked up last night, a while after Andy took you upstairs something happened between them and all of a sudden they couldnt keep their hands of eachother."

"Oh. Kinda glad i fell asleep now" Aria chuckled.

"Yeah lucky you, it was some serious shit."

"Here you go." Aria said passing Sammi a plain white coffee cup.

"Thank you hon."

They both sat at the kitchen counter.Aria took her pills and sat back. "so when do you guys have to go back on tour?"

"Well, we dont." Aria looked at Sammi confused.

"It didnt make sense before i knew you were here but this is the last stop of the tour."

"Really?" Aria's face lit up.

"Yes, really."


"So..Can i ask you a question?"


"I know everyones thinking it but for some reason no ones asked, are you going to move to hollywood, to live with Andy? You know, like what was going to happen before...everything."

"I-I don't know. Andy and I havent talked about it. But we will, today. I was to chicken to bring it up yesterday but we should really talk about it. So today. I promise."

"Good because i want you living with us!!" Sammi jumped off of the chair and hugged Aria, she wrapped her arms around Sammi.

"Woah. Half naked ladies hugging." Ashley said from the doorway. Sammi and Aria laughed and sat back down. Ashley walked into the kitchen in nothing but his jeans, yawning and stretching.

"Pervert." Sammi and Aria said in unison. They froze for a minute staring at eachother before they laughed.

"Coffee?" Aria asked getting up and grabbing a cup.


Aria poured the coffee and placed it in front of Ashley who had joined them sitting around the kitchen island.


"Have fun last night?"

"Yeah." Ashley said wincing.

"You sure?" Sammi asked

"Yeah." Ashley said standing up. Out of the blue Ashley stuck his hand down his pants. Aria and Sammi both looked at eachother confused untill Ashley pulled a few sour gummy wormes from his genital area which caused the girls to laugh uncontrollably, it wasnt long untill Ashley was laughing too.

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