Imagine Andy Biersack- The Welcoming

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Tip-toeing out of the room trying not to wake Aria, putting on clothes as he went, Andy met the rest of the house in the living room. Sammi had came up with an idea to make a big breakfast to welcome Aria to the bvb house. Honestly, Andy kind of liked the idea. The rest of the guys, werent so happy about it. Sitting in the living room nursing cups of coffee was everyone, except Aria of course.

"Hey guys" Andy said walking into the room. He got vague responses from the guys but Sammi was in great mood. "Good Morning Andy! So shall we get this show on the road?" She said jumping up from the couch.


"I already went to the store and picked up pancakes, chocolate spread and chocolate milk because i know they are her favourites, i also got a bunch of other stuff!"

"Awesome, thanks Sammi, i know she's going to love it."

"I hope so"

They guys followed us into the kitchen. The counters were covered in food. "Holy shit" CC said when he saw all the food.

Sammi started giving us all individual jobs to do like making coffee and cooking pancakes. Sammi and Jinxx had set the dining room table, it was the first time it was being used, usually everyone ate in the lounge or in their rooms so it was a nice change.

Aria had woken up just as they were setting the food on the table, she walked into the room looking sleepy and confused, Andy couldnt help but think how beautiful she looked with her blonde hair messy and wearing a silk black robe which he knew all she was wearing underneath was a pair of shorts and a vest top. The thought sent shivers down his spine.

"Morning babe." Andy said walking over to her and then leading her to a chair at the large dining table.

"Welcome to the bvb house Aria! Dig in!" Jinxx said with a final clap at the end.

"Aww thank you guys, but you didnt have to do this"

"we wanted to!" Jake said smiling, he was just happy because they were having a feast.

"well thank you"

"Our pleasure" Ashley said shoveling a waffle into his mouth.

"I seriously love you guys, chocolate pancakes and chocolate milk!" Aria exclaimed.

"Well we love you too." Andy said patting her thigh.


After breakfast Aria took her suitcase upastairs and started un-packing into the chest of drawers. All of her clothes fit in and her stuff fit on the top of the chest of drawers, all of her make-up and jewellery were neatly in boxes that sat on top, she added a few framed photos of her and Andy, from halloween/her birthday, the day Andy had to go back on tour, and other random ones from when she joined them on tour.

Aria was just putting the last frame on her chest of drawers when someones hands slid around her waist. "You scared me!" Aria said leaning back against Andy.

"Sorry babe. You know, you can put your stuff any where in the room, not just on the drawers. This is Our room now, not mine."

"Thank you, but i think i'll just leave it all there."


Aria turned around to face Andy. "So what are we doing today?"

"I have no idea, whatever you want to do?"

"Well i want to get dressed" Aria chuckled. Stepping out of Andy's grasp she headed back to the chest of drawers but Andy pulled her back.

"What are you doing?" she laughed.

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