Imagine Andy Biersack- The Kidnapping.

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 Andy couldnt help but have the feeling he was being watched, it was really freaking him out. Aria was packing her things, the guys, Sammi and Andy were staying at a hotel for a few nights while Aria sorted everything with JJ, her mother and her belongings. For some reason Ady couldnt stop thinking about that creepy fan, maybe it was her who was watching him he thought. 

The guys were still moving stuff out of the van, John said he was  going to hire someone to clean it up because the mess was to extreme, so we had to stay in a hotel. Bored, Andy made his way to Aria's.

"Hey babe." Her front door was open and boxes lined her hallway.

"Hey. Im in here" Andy followed her voice to the kitchen, she was moving boxes. 

"Need a hand?"

"Um, no thank you, im going to be pretty busy today so if you want to go hang out with the guys thats fine." She smiled at him and walked over to give him a kiss.

"Okay. Just call me if you need me."

"Okay." She got back to moving boxes and Andy left. 

Andy walked back to the hotel, it was only about two minutes down the road from Aria's house. His room was empty, each of the guys had their own room and they were all spearated around the hotel so Andy could just relax. Just as he flopped on his bed there was a knock on the door. 

"Coming" He yelled as he rolled off of his double bed and opened the door, On the other side of the door was a familiar girl, she was wearing a maids outfit so he figured she worked there. But suddenly he was shoved backwards into his room, the girl grabbed a 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign and hung it on the door. Andy got up off the floor, shocked he backed away from the girl. "Who are you?"Andy asked.

"You dont remember me? I told you we would be together soon." she took her hair out of the high neat bun on her head to reveal long black hair. Andy knew he recognised  her, she was the creepy fan from the other night. 

"What are you doing?" She was getting closer and closer to Andy, he was running out of space to back into. 

"Im making all our dreams come true. We can finally be together." Andy had no idea what this girl was going on about, but he was kind of scared and she was kind of crazy. 

"What dreams. I dont know you! I dont even know your name!!" 

"Of course you do baby, its me Riley." Riley took a big step closer and reached up to caress Andy's face. He flinched and ducked out of the way, Andy ran to the door, but it was locked. "Where do you think your going?" Riley looked angry.

"Shit." Andy mummbled tryng to unlock it. He turned around, Riley was standing infront of him with her arms crossed. Riley got even closer and slapped Andy. He stumbled back slightly so his back was against the wall. Riley hooked her fingers through Andy's belt loops, he tensed up but couldnt go anywhere.

"I love you so much" she whispered, she forced Andy's head down and kissed him, Riley grabbed Andy by his black v-neck t-shirt and pushed him on the bed. He shuffled backwards trying to get away from her, she just smirked and pulled out two pair of shiny silver handcuffs.

"Oh crap." Andy muttered. He didnt know what to do, he couldnt hit a girl. Riley climbed across the bed to stradle Andy, pinning him down she handcuffed each hand to part of the bed post. 


Aria didnt realise how little she owned. An hour after Andy had left all of the boxes were packed. "What to do now..." Aria paced back and forth in her hallway. She walked into the kitchen and picked up her phone to call Andy, no answer. A small piece of plastic caught Aria's eye, it was a room key to Andy's hotel suite. On top was a post it note that read 'Incase You Get Bored.' She grabbed her bag and left. 

Aria noticed the 'DO NOT DISTURB', she hesitated but decided to go in. "Shit!" Aria's hands covered her mouth. She walked into the room to see Andy being straddled by a skinny girl with black hair in skimpy underwear. Andy didnt see her but the girl turned around and winked at her. Tears were streaming down her face. "What the fuck!" She ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her. 

Aria kept running, even though her legs were shaking and her lungs were giving in. Aria grabbed the room key and her medication and threw them on the floor screaming, she didnt care if she was being looked at she just carried on running untill she was home. 


The door slammed. Riley was straddling him, her dress was now off, and so was most of Andy's clothes, Riley had ripped them off. She was a strong bitch he thought to himself. Riley was getting angry because Andy wouldnt kiss her. 

"Who was that?" He hoped it wasnt Aria, he didnt want her to get thr wrong idea, he would escape Riley, no matter what.

"Just that slut Aria."

"She's not slut. Shit." Andy was freaking out even more now that he knew Aria had seen him being straddled by some psycho bitch she thought he was banging. 

"Yes, yes she is. Shes all 'I love you Andy, lets get matching tattoo's and oh i got one of your name that you can only see when im half naked.' Riley mocked. 

"How do you know about that tattoo." Andy was getting more scared by the minute. Riley got up off of him and turned around, revealing a huge tattoo on her back. It was of his face. Andy started screaming for help.

"No one can hear you Andy. Did you not notice how for some reason your room was isolated from the rest?"

"Shit." He muttered

Riley was over by a DVD player and TV, she inserted a disk."This is how i know all." She clicked on a video and it started playing, it was Andy and Aria in the bus. He remembered that day, everyone else was out at dinner but they stayed on the bus for some alone time. He panicked as he remebered what happened next. Andy was watching Aria and him make out, they made their way to their bunk where the camera angle switched to an inside view. Andy and Aria were taking off their clothes, he was kissing down her body to the Andy tattoo that Riley mentioned. 

"Turn it off." Andy ordered looking away from the screen. 

"Suit yourself." She turned off the TV. 


Slamming the front door Aria ran upstairs to her room in search for something she hadnt used in years, her blade. Thankfully her mom was somewhere off with the rich and famous so she wasnt home. It wasnt hard to find, she had kept it in the same place for years. 

Aria sunk to the floor, tears were streaming down her face uncontrollably. Dragging the blade across her wrist blood ran down her arms and dripped on the floor. 

"I cant." Aria sobbed, getting up she made her way to her bathroom and ran a bath. Removing her clothes but keeping on her underwear on she stepped in and layed back. Making a few more deep cuts she dropped her arms in the water and closed her eyes. The life drained from her body as her last thoughts were about Andy.

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