Imagine Andy Biersack- The Beach

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Sammi and Aria packed up the merchandise stall early to get back to the bus an get ready for the beach, Andy had called when the set had finished to let them know they were heading back but Sammi and Aria got there first.

"Purple or red?" Sammi asked holding up two bikinis.


"Thank you!" Sammi grinned and left to get changed.

Aria pulled out her black bikini from her suitcase and got changed. Aria was just putting on her original clothes back on, doing the button up on her black shorts when arms wrapped around her waste.

"Hey beautiful." Andy said before Aria could freak out.

"Hey!" Aria said leaning back on Andy."how was your set?"

"It was great. I'm glad it was an early set though. I'm looking forward to going to the beach"

"Me too." Aria turned around to face Andy. His hair was messy and his eyeliner was smudged after the show. "You look sexy." Aria said running her hands through his hair.

"So do you." Andy whispered seductively tracing a finger down her almost bare chest. Andy had came in before she could put on a shirt.

Aria stood on her tiptoes to kiss Andy. He pulled her closer, deepening the kiss and backing her against a wall.

"Hurry your asses up Biersacks'!" Ashley yelled from the front of the bus.

Andy let out a groan but stepped back. "I should get changed..."

"Yep" Aria smiled, she kissed Andy on the way to grab her white t-shirt that was spread out on the bed.

"See you in a minute." Aria said leaving the room.

Aria grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the sofa with CC. "Looking forward to the beach?" He asked.

"Yeah I love the beach."

"Me too!" CC said excitedly

"Okay let's go!" Andy said emerging from his room.

The beach was busy but luckily there was a more quiet area that they could relax. The weather was hot, so as soon as they put down their towels they started taking off their clothes and relaxed in their bathing suits.

"This is great." Ashley said laying back and putting on his sun glasses.

Everyone Agreed. Aria sat up and tied her long hair into a messy bun, she put her sunglasses on and laid back on the towel next to Andy.

"I'm going in the sea!" Sammi said jumping up."come with me?" Sammi asked Jinxx, with a pouty face.

"Sure thing babe." Jinxx said getting up, taking Sammi's hand and heading to the sea that was a few metres away.

Aria and Andy spent a while laying next to eachother, sharing earphones, listening to some Alkaline Trio.

"This is nice." Andy said tracing his finger up and down Aria's arm.

"Yeah." Aria turned her head and grinned at Andy who was looking at her lovingly.

"You know what would make it even better?"


"Ice cream!" he whispered.

"I think your right!" Aria said removing the earbud, Andy did the same. He stood up and then helped Aria. Hand in hand they walked down the beach to the ice cream van.

"Its such a lovely day." Aria said adjusting her sunglasses.

"Yeah." Andy pulled Aria closer to her. "What ice cream do you want?"

"Anything chocolate!" Aria grinned.

Andy took the ice creams and handed over Aria's. "So how much do I owe you?"

"Can't I just buy my wife an ice cream?" Andy said talking her free hand in his.

"Well thank you then!"

"Your very welcome."

"Anyway I'm sure you can find another way to repay me.." Andy said with a wink.

"Andrew Biersack!" Aria said with mock outrage.

Andy started laughing, he pulled her into him so they were pressed together. Andy leant down as Aria tip toed and they shared a kiss not caring who was watching at the now busy beach.

They carried on walking back to the secluded area. Sammi and Jinxx were still in the sea, Jake was reading and CC and Ashley were doing cartwheels. Badly.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Andy said amused.

Ashley and CC stopped cartwheeling to pay attention to us.

"Ice cream? When did you get ice cream!?" CC asked.

"We just went down to the van."

"And you didn't get me one?" CC said in a whiney voice.

"sorry dude but go get your own ice cream." Andy chuckled. CC flipped Andy off and carried on cartwheeling.

"You guys suck at cartwheels." Aria said as CC fell on his ass for the tenth time.

"Think you can do better?" Ashley said trying to be all smart.

Andy and Aria looked a each other. "Yes." She said matter of factly.

"Prove it." Ashley said. Aria got up and cartwheeled.

"You forget I was a gymnast?"

" pretty sure i was hungover...or still drunk that day."

"I was going to tell you dude but I just wanted to see Aria kick your ass. Again." CC said trying not to laugh. Andy wasn't as good as holding it back and was laughing loudly.

Aria sat down and took her ice cream back off Andy.

"Dude your wife's a gymnast. I bet that comes in handy in the bedroom!" Ashley joked. Aria's jaw dropped, shocked that Ashley said that.

In the corner of her eye she saw Andy nod knowingly at Ashley. Aria smacked Andy in the chest and carried on eating her ice cream.

Andy dramatically fell back on to the towel, being careful not to drop his ice cream."you wound me."

"Yeah yeah!" Aria said. But she turned around and leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on Andy's chest where she hit him. "Better?"

"Much." Andy smiled and sat back up, facing Aria.

After their ice creams they layed back down to relax. It was peaceful for a while, music was blaring through their headphones. Suddenly Aria was lifted off the ground. She opened her eyes to see Ashely holding her arms and CC holding her legs carrying her towards the sea. She wriggled to get free but they were both stronger than her. She turned her head to see Andy being carried the same way by Jinxx and Jake, but he didn't seem to care, he just allowed them to carry him to the sea.

"Put me down!" Aria yelled.

"There's no point struggling, just enjoy the ride." Andy said strangely calm.

"1..2..3!" At the same time Andy and Aria were thrown into the sea, landing with a big splash.

Aria stood up coughing, she wiped her hair out of her face and glared at CC and Ashley. Andy made his way over to her."Have fun?"

"I think i swollowed too much salt water..." Aria said pouting.


"You guys are douche bags." Aria said to CC and Ashley who were walking towards them in the sea.

"We're sorry." CC said.

"No your not, you guys totally enjoyed that."

Ashley looked at eachother and nodded. "yeah..we did." They grinned.

They all spent the rest of the day at the beach, swimming, sunbathing and just having fun. They headed back when it got dark and everyone separated to their houses.

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