Imagine Andy Biersack- The magazines.

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"I come baring magazines!" Sammi's voice echoed through the bvb house.

Andy and Aria were sat in the kitchen oposite eachother having a staring competition when Sammi skipped in.

"Hey Sammi." Andy said.

"Hey" Sammi said cheerfully.

"Sup dude." Aria said trying really hard not to blink.

"You guys are so weird." Sammi said chuckling.

"Are you guys still doing that?" CC asked walking into the kitchen wearing black jeans and holding a piece of pizza.

"Yes." Andy said.

"You both are too competitiive, this wil go on all day." CC said. He walked over to the counter and clapped his hands loudly infront of their faces making them both blink and move back quickly.

"What the fuck dude!" Aria said loudly.

"Sorry. Needed to be done." CC mumbled around a bite of pizza and shuffled out of the kitchen.

"i so woould have won." Andy said.

"Would not."Aria smiled.


"Not." Andy leant over and shut up Aria by kissing her from across the table. they smiled at eachother before turning their attention back to Sammi who was watching them.

"Sorry. you have our full attention." Andy said turning to look at Sammi holding a bunch of wedding magazines.

"So i bought these over, i had them still from my wedding. There is a few for you Andy from Jinxx." Sammi said sharing the magazines out.

"Awesome, thank you for this Sammi."

"My pleasure."

"What i was thinking was that maybe we could go over to mine and look at the girly stuff while the guys do the same and then you and Andy can talk about the rest later?"

"Sounds good."Aria said sliding of her chair and taking the magazines with her.

"Cool. See you girls later." Andy said leaning over and giving Aria a goodbye kiss.

"Love you." Aria shouted when she left the house. She heard a bunch of 'Love You's' backfrom the guys which made her and Sammi laugh.

"Are you excited?" Sammi asked.

"im so freakin' excited."Aria enthused.

"Im excited for you."Sammi laughed.

When they sat down on the couch at Sammi's they opend the magazines and flicked through them. "So what kind of dress where you thinking of?" Sammi asked examining some dresses.

"I don't know...something simple but unique."

A few hours later they had both through every wedding dress magazine and marked the ones they liked with multi-coloured post-it notes.

"What now?" Sammi asked putting the last magazine down on top of the tall pile.

"Well we have all kinds of magazines,why don't we go through and mark the ones we like and i'll talk to Andy about them later?" Aria suggested.

"Sounds good. I think we need snacks though." Sammi smiled and jumped up. A few minutes later she came out from the kitchen holding a pack of hot chili doritos and salsa dip.

"Oooh." Aria said suddenly hungry. "I hope my wedding is as awesome as yours." Aria said in awe of her friend.

"Im sure it will be."

"I know we didn't know eachother then but i saw photos and stuff online..your dress was fucking sectacular." Aria said serious.

"I know!!" Sammi gushed. "I love that dress so much."

"I can see why. It was just so unique and perfect."

The girls carried on flicking through magazines untill they got so bored they fell asleep.

"The writings on the wall, your crimson touch ain't going no where." Aria's ringtone for Andy blasted from her phone waking them up.

"Woah!" Aria said trying to find her phone.

"Your phone is so loud." Sammi said yawning.

"i bleed for you forever i will lie awake i would die for you."They followed the lyrics untill they came across Aria's phone wedged between a few magazines.

"hey" Aria said into the phone.

"hey babe how's it going?"

"'s it going over there?"

"good. So when are you girls planning to come back, you've been gone for ages."

"we fell asleep. we'll be over in a minute."

"okay darlin; see you in a minute. Love you."

"Love you." Aria said ending the call. "How long were we asleep?" Aria asked Sammi.

"Only like three hours."

"Oh okay. Ready to head back over?"

"yeah!" They both grabbed some magazines and headed next door to the bvb house.

"HEY!" Everyone shouted when they walked through the door.

"Hey guys."Sammi said putting the magazines down.Aria did the same and went to the living room where everyone was.

"Have a beer." Ashley said and chucked Sammi and Aria a bottle of beer each.

"Thanks" They chorused. Aria made her way over to Andy who was sat on the floor with his back against the wall.She sat in between his legs and sat back to lean against his chest.

"I missed you." Andy said wrapping his arms around Aria.

"I missed you too."

"Im looking forward to seeing what you guys came up with today."

"Im looking forward to marrying you." Aria giggled slightly.

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