Imagine Andy Biersack- The Visit.

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Aria had settled in well in Gainesville. Maggie and Leonard let her do whatever she liked, but Aria spent most of her time in her room or at a secluded part of the beach that reminded her of the spot her and Andy went too one time when she punched Ethan in the face. Although Aria did get a new job, which she was on her way too. She started working at a tattoo parlour, she had walked in their thinking about getting her tattoo's removed but couldnt bring herself to do it, no matter what had happened she still loved Andy with all her heart. Aria had quickly made friends with the staff there.

Josh was a tall muscular guy, only twenty three but he was already covered in tattoo's and the occasional piercing, he had green eyes and dark hair. Keegan, he was average height, shaggy black hair that was blue at the ends, the blue matched his eyes, he had a lot of tattoo's but not as many as Josh. the only girl that worked there was Harley, she had purple hair, she was small, with her nose, lip and ears pierced, she had one really pretty sleeve tattoo and a great fashion sense. They had all agreed that they wanted Aria to work there so she had happily accepted the job offer.

"Aria!"Josh called from behind the counter.


"Your first day, you nervous?"


"Confidence, i like it." he winked at her and looked down at a big book on the counter. "We have a girl coming in today, she wants some sort of chinese symbol tattoo, you want to do it?"

"hells yeah."


Harley walked round the corner of the shop and her face lit up when she saw Aria."hey girl."

"hey Harley."

"How the fuck are you wearing so much clothing in this weather?" Harley looked at Aria's clothes shocked. She was wearing a pair of red and black checkered skinny jeans and a baggy long sleeve black t-shirt that had random holes in it.

"I dont know..."Aria slightly chuckled. Aria had lived in long sleeve t-shirts since she got there, no matter how hot it got, she didnt want anyone in Gainesville to know anything about her past and seeing deep cuts on each arm might raise some suspiscion. Aria was wearing a lot of clothes compared to Harley, she was wearing a pair of short purple shorts with studs on that matched her hair and a black t-shirt that had 'BITCH' printed on and exposed her stomach.

"So Josh what times that girl coming in?" Aria turned her attention back to Josh who was watching them.

"Um..eleven.So you have half an hour to kill..."

"Cool. Im going to get coffee, anybody want?"

"Me!" Everyone chorused, even Keegan who was in a corner tattooing soemthing on a big beefy biker guy.

The day had gone pretty quick. Aria tattooed the chinese symbol for friendship on a pertty young lady who was nervous about getting her first tattoo, but thats pretty much all she did all day but it was still a great day, Harley, Josh and Keegan were great fun.

Aria made her way home,she got there just as Maggie and Leonard were leaving for their weekly date night.

"Good day at work sweetie?" Maggie asked.

"Yes thank you. you guys have fun on your date."

"Thank you. By the way Your friends inside, i said he could stay the night."

"Okay..." Aria walked through the front door, shutting it behind her. What friend? No one back home knew where she was, and she had just left the only friends she had made in Gainesville.

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