Imagine Andy Biersack- The Packing.

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"Wake up sleepy heads!" Ashley said. Aria opened her eyes to see Ashley standing next to her, the rest of Black Veil Brides and Sammi were standing at the bottom of her bed. Aria screamed and hid under the covers when she realised she was only wearing her panties and in bed with Andy.

"What happene-Ah!" Andy yelled when he too spotted their friends watching them.

"What the fuck are you guys doing in my room?" Aria said coming out of hiding, she sat up and pulled the covers close to her chest, Andy sat up too not really caring about covering his chest.

"Well we thought you might want help packing." Jinxx explained.

"Thanks but i hardly own anything so..." Everyone looked around and noticed how little Aria did own.

"Oh.."Jake said.

"Well we want to help!" Sammi piped up.

"Okay, well can you guys at lease leave so i can get changed?"

"Nope.Hurry up." Ashley said mischeiviously

"well i cant hurry up if i cant get dressed because im stuck naked in my bed can i?"

"Well...We'll turn around." CC said turning around. the others followed.

"Ugh." Aria moaned, She grabbed her bra that was on the floor next to her and put it on. Andy was already out of bed and dressed back in his jeans and t-shirt so he sat on her bed and watched her get changed.

"Perv." Aria said when she saw him watching, she climbed out of bed and stuck her tongue out at him playfully. Ashely turned around with his hands up in a surrender. "I didnt do anything."

"Ashley!" Aria yelled and tried covering up.


"I wasnt talking about you!"

"Oh. Sorry. habbit, usually when people say perv its aimed at me."

"Well dont just stand there turn around!"

Ashley turned back around and Aria blushed furiously. Andy was laughing hysterically, grabbing the pillow she covered herself with Aria threw it at Andy so hard he fell backwards off of her bed causing everyone else to laugh. Aria walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out a pair of black shorts, a white vest and a baggy electric blue t-shirt that matched the streaks in her hair.

"Okay im done." everyone turned round and stood there awkwardly. "we need boxes..."

"Okay! Us guys will go and get boxes. Can Sammi and you cook breakfast? we're hungry." Jinxx asked.

"Didnt you guys eat on the bus?" Andy asked.

"Nope, we've ran out of food." CC told them.

"Okay, lets go cook breakfast!" Aria said grabbing Sammi's hand and walking out of the room with her.

"Cool. We'll go get boxes!" Jake said following them out of her bedroom

As Aria and Sammi entered the kitchen the guys stood in the hallway. "So where do we get boxes?" Jinxx asked

"Try going to the tattoo place, they should have some...maybe."Aria told them

"okay. Lets go!" Andy kissed Aria goodbye and lead them out.

"Oh and Aria. Nice Tattoo." Ashley said refering to the Andy tattoo on her hip, winked and ran out of the house before Aria could respond, she stood their turning bright red while Sammi and the others stood their shocked at his comment because they all guessed that it must have been in an inapproapriate place.

"i know right!" Andy yelled laughing.

"Dont encourage him!" Aria walked over and smacked him on the arm playfully.

"Sorry. Dude quit looking at my girlfriend when she's half naked!" Andy shouted out to Ashley who was getting in the rental car he got. "Better?"

"Much" Aria tiptoed and kissed Andy. The guys finally left to get boxes and the girls started on breakfast.

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