Imagine Andy Biersack- The Girls

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Aria jolted awake by the sound of a loud bang. Looking around she saw Andy jumping around cursing and holding his foot. Aria hugged the covers close to her when she realised she was naked, quick thoughts of the night before flashed through her mind. "What happened?" Aria asked concerned.

"I stood on the plug to my hair dryer."

"Oh. Are you okay?"


"Good." Aria layed back down and watched Andy hop around in his underwear.

"Sorry for waking you"

"Its okay"

"The bands got a recording slot today, so we will all be out of the house untill later, and then we have an interview with some magazine that i cant remember the name of so you and the girls will have the house to yourselves today." Andy told her while he layed back down on the bed next to Aria.

"Okay cool. I'll miss you." Aria said leaning over and kissing Andy

"I'll miss you too" he said kissing back.

"But we leave in like five minutes so i should get dressed." Andy got out of bed and got dressed.

"Bye beautiful." Andy said kissing her goodbye.

"Bye sexy" Aria said grinning and winking. She watched him walk out in his sexy ripped jeans and Kiss band t-shirt.

After a few minutes of laying she got bored and got out of bed. Aria put on a pair of black jeans and a blood red jumper and made her way downstairs. Sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee was Sammi and Ella.

"Morning" Aria said getting herself a cup of coffee.

"Morning" They both chorused.

"Sammi and i were just talking about hitting the mall and then having some girl time?"Ella said smiling

"Yeah that sounds awesome!"

"I better put some clothes on then!" Sammi said excitedly as she ran out of the room in her pajamas.

"So Aria. Ive heard a lot about you." Ella said, smiling. She was very smiley.

"All good i hope."

"Yeah actually,everyone loves you, Expecially Andy, ive never seen him so happy and in love." A smile spread across Aria's face. "I also know we have a lot in common."



"Awesome. Im glad we finally met"

"Me too. The last time i visited the guys you Gainesville."

"Ah. So you've heard my story."

"Yeah...They told me when i visited because Andy was always locked in his room which is unuasual and then i heard him sobbing so i demanded answers. I wasn't expecting the answers i got but it kind of made me want to meet you more. I kind of admire you and Andy, you guys went through so much and here you are, more in love then ever."

"Thank you Ella." Aria got up and hugged Ella.

"Welcome. I know we just met but im always here for you Aria, i hope we can be great friends, like you and Sammi."

"I would love that."

"I wanna join!" Sammi said running into the hug. They all laughed and got ready to go to the mall.

Sammi drove them,as soon as they were at the mall they headed for hottopic. They only spent a few hours at the mall, Aria bought two Black Veil Brides T-shirts, a Pierce the Veil t-shirt, Sleeping With Sirens and Falling in Reverse t-shirts. They bought popcorn, chick-flicks, face masks with cucumber, nail varnish and new pajamas planning for a really girly evening.

When they arrived home they got in their new pajamas and each of the girls got phone calls from their boyfriends at the same time, They looked at eachother spooked out before answering the call. Taking the call Aria walked into the kitchen to put popcorn in the microwave.

"hey!" Aria said down the phone

"Hey babe."

"You okay?"

"yeah im great. How are you?"

"Good. How is your day going?"

"Really good,we bought girly stuff and popcorn so we're just going to have a ladies night. Yours?"

"Awesome, im glad your having fun. We just finished recording so i thought i would check in."

"Okay cool. I'll see you later then."

"See you later. I love you."

"I love you too." After they hung up the microwave beeped. Aria walked back into the living room with the popcorn, Sammi had set up the film, they were watching Pretty Woman first. Ella had put face masks in bowls, chopped cucumber and got brushes.

They spent the night gossiping, watching movies and putting weird mud substances on their faces. "This is so fun!" Aria said laaughing at something on the TV.

"I know right!" The others chorused while laughing at thesame thing.

A few hours later they fell asleep on the floor with Sex in The City playing in the background.

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