Imagine Andy Biersack- The Proposal

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When the door opened Andy was standing there looking sexy as hell, wearing a black suit, a white fitted shirt and a black slim tie. His hair was a soft and silky black that Aria wanted to run her hands through, he had on some eyeliner but nothing over the top.

"Damn. You look hot." Aria said stepping in the front door.

"And you look absolutely beautiful." Andy said smiling. He wrapped his arms around her and bent down for a kiss.

"So what is all this?" Aria asked.

"Well i told you i wanted to take you out for dinner but i decided to cook you dinner instead."

"Oh, cool." Aria grinned up at Andy. he took her by the hand and lead her to the kitchen where a small table was laid out with candles, plates and cutelery. There were two chairs, Andy pulled out one and motioned for Aria to sit.

"Thank You." Aria sat down and watched Andy sit down.

"Dinner will be in 5" Andy said. He picked up a bottle of red wine and offered Aria, she nodded and Andy both filled their glasses.

"This is rather fancy." Aria said motioning to the table.

"Well you deserve the best." Andy said smiling, he took Aria's hand in his. Aria looked down shyly. "I love you ."

"I love you too Andy."

The oven beeped and Andy let go of her hand and got up. "Cover your eyes!" Aria did ass she was told, when she was allowed to look infront of her was her favourite meal in the whole world, Pizza, with chicken nuggets, french fries and a side of nachos. She loved it but it was so unhealthy she only ate it on special occasions.

"Wow! Thank You!" Aria said picking up a french fry.

"Your welcome. When I told Sammi what i was cooking she thought i was crazy, and she said we were the only people who would get dressed up for an evening meal for it to be finger food."

"Finger food is the best."

"I know right." Andy and Aria grinned at eachother and dug in.

"That was amazing!" Aria said when she finished her meal.

"Glad you liked it. Ready for desert?"

"Desert? Okay."

Andy got up and did something by the fridge/freezer for a while and came back holding two bowls. Andy put the bowl infront of her, it was hot brownies with mini pancakes, chocolate ice cream and chocolate sauce.

"Your the best." Aria said excitedly over her desert. It was her favourite. "So whats all this about?" Aria asked when they finished.

"What do you mean?" Andy said taking a sip of his wine.

"Well Ashley took me out and bought me a dress and shoes, everyones over at Jinxx and Sammi's, dinner with all my favourite foods..."

"I just wanted tonight to be special." Andy said innocently.

"Okay..." Aria said even though she was still suspicious.

Andy got up and offered his hand to Aria. "Where are we going?" She asked taking it and standing up.

"Only in here." Andy pointed to the doors that sectioned off the kitchen and the dining room. Andy opened the doors to reveal the room looking completely different.

"Holy shit!" Aria's jaw dropped. The table and chairs were no longer there, the room was covered in pillows, duvets and beanbags. Electronic candles were set up in the room, Aria smiled as she thought of a discussion she and Andy had about candles, Aria had said that she hated having sex when candles were lit because she was always scared that they would get knocked over and set things on fire.

"You did all this for me?" Aria asked.

"I would do anything for you."

Aria grabbed Andy and kissed him, nobody had ever done anything like this for her.

"Aria, ever since i stepped foot into JJ's store, i knew that i liked you. And after that day, everything you did, trusting me with your darkest secret, doing star jumps to wake-up, beating Ashley at a drinking competition and so much more made me fall in love with you. And to this day, you still do things that make me fall harder. You are the best thing that happened to me, when you left...I was in a bad place, but as soon as you came back all of a sudden the love and happiness was back in my life."

Tear streamed down Aria's face, Andy's looked like he was choking back tears. "And i dont wan- I can't live without you. I want us to spend the rest of our lives together. Because i love you Aria. I love you more than anything and anyone."

"So.." Andy got down on one knee and pulled out a black leather box. When he opened it a beautiful ring was revealed, Aria's hand flew up to cover her mouth. It was definately Aria, subtle, but unique, the small delicate band was covered in tiny diamonds and in the middle was a square black diamond. " Aria Elizabeth Marsters. Will you marry me?" Tears now slowly ran down Andy's face.

"Yes!" Aria said quickly, she didn't have a doubt or second thought. Andy grinned and took out the ring, it fit perfectly on Aria's ring finger. Andy stood up and kissed Aria passionately, tears mixing in with the taste of eachother.

"I love you Andy." Aria said quickly before kissing Andy again.

"I love you too." Andy lowered them down on the duvet covered floor.

Aria started unbuttoning Andy's shirt."How the fuck do i get you out of this thing?" Andy laughed. Aria quickly undid the corset and the dress fell open.

Their lips met again, Andy moved the dress out of the way while Aria pushed his shirt off of his shoulders. That night they made love on the floor, both thinking that night was the best night of their life.

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