Imagine Andy Biersack- The Lie

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Aria's aunt Maggie and Uncle Leonard lived in a large four bedroom house that was white with a porch and one of those cool swing chairs that looked over the street. Trees surrounded the house creating shade in the texas sun.

"Aria, my goodness gracious your so beautiful!" Maggie rushed towards her and embraced her in a hug. Maggie was a similar height to Aria, her chocolate brown hair came to her shoulders in curls, her face was free of any make-up and her deep brown eyes looked Aria over. "I have missed you so much!" She said in a heavy southern accent, Maggie had moved to texas when she was twenty, and has lived their for just over twenty years. 

"Ive missed you too Aunt Maggie."

"I was so surprised when you asked to come stay with us, but ive been so excited to have my favourite niece come live with me!"

"Im your only niece Aunt Maggie." Aria grinned, she loved this woman. Maggie took Aria to her room, it was a cream colour, the carpets were similar, in the middle of the room was a dark wooden four poster bed with fancy looking covers. All her boxes and suitcases were in the corner. 

"Thank you for this Aunt Maggie."

"No problem dear, its a pleasure. Now you going to tell me why you up and left your incompetant self absorbed mother to fend for herself?" Maggie smiled the whole time she was talking, Maggie and Victoria never got along.

"Victoria's never home so i doubt she will even notice im gone. I left because i was having a very hard time. I caught my boyfriend cheating on me."

"Oh deary me."

"And then i tried to kill myself." Aria added.

Maggie knew about Aria's past of self harm and other suicide attempts, Maggie was the one who stuck by her no matter what, she even flew from Texas to be with Aria at the hospital and when she got diagnosed with bipolar.

"Well sweetie, im here now. You know you can always come to me, you know that."

"Yeah. Thank you." They hugged and Maggie left Aria to unpack.


"You look rough." Ashley told Andy. He was sat at the kitchen counter wearing nothing but his boxers.His hair was a mess and his eyes were red and puffy. He was staring at the picture of him Aria drew.

"Gee thanks."

"Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Nope. I havent slept in exactly....seventy two hours." 

"Shit dude."

"I need to get her back Ash."

"i know dude." Ashley left the room patting Andy's shoulder on his way out. Ashley slumped down on his bed, he was thinking of ways to track down Aria, her phone was disconnected and her facebook deactivated, she hadnt left any details on the letter or at her house. The only thing that they could even try to contact her through was twitter but she hadnt replied to any of them.

"JJ!" Ashley said out loud. Ashley grabbed his phone and dialed JJ.


"Hey babe."

"Didnt think i would hear from you ever again."

"well you know me, full of surprises. i was thinking of coming to visit."

"You only just left. Not that im complaining!"

"Okay  well i'll see you soon." They hung up, Ashley grabbed his keys and a bag, shoving stuff into the bag he smiled proudly, of course JJ would know where Aria is!

"Where are you going?" Andy looked up from the drawing he had been staring at.

"Shit" Ashley whispered, he had nearly left un-noticed.

"Going out."


"Noneof your goddamn buisness Biersack."

 Ashley didnt mean to be so harsh, he just wanted to find Aria, and just incase JJ didnt know where Aria was he didnt want to get Andy's hopes up. Ashley left the bvb house and jumped into his car, blasting up the speakers he made his way to JJ's.

Ashley stood outside JJ's store, he had made it quite quickly. "JJ?" he called as he entered.

"Hey" she appeared from behind a stack of records. Ashley walked over and hugged her.

"How you been?" 

"Good. Yourself?"

"Good. So...I need to ask you something."


"i need to know where Aria is. Do you know where she is?"

JJ diverted her gaze. "No. Sorry."

"Please JJ. Andy's a mess, he hasnt slept in over seventy two hours, he mopes, all day! Just sitting there in his boxers staring at a picture Aria drew him. The guilt is eating him up, the thing is Aria doesnt know the story, i know she told you, about him cheating. But its not true, some psycho bitch kidnapped him and handcuffed him to his bed in his hotel room."

"Are you serious?"

"yes. I promise you im telling the truth." 

"Shit. Okay."

JJ walked behind the counter, she scribbled down something on a piece of paper.

"This is her new adress, her new phone number. Sorry i lied to you."

"Its okay. You were protecting your friend." They exchanged small smiles. "Can i borrow your computer for a sec?"


Ashley walked over to JJ's computer and purchased a ticket to Gainesville Texas, where according to JJ, Aria now lived.

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