
4.6K 156 53

661.A baby's laughter is one of the most beautiful sounds you will ever hear. Unless it's 3am. And you're home alone. And you don't have a baby.

662.Things I wish were real:

1) Krabby Patties.

2) Jimmy Neutron's inventions.

3) A school like PCA

4) Hogwarts.

5) Timmy Turner's goldfish.

663.Me: I'm just going to rest my eyes for 5 minutes.

Me: Wakes up February 5th, 2096.

664.People on the Internet: "Omg you're so beautiful, how are you single?" People at school: "Ew get back in your cave."

665.Blanket on, too hot. Blanket off, too cold. One leg out, perfect. Til' the demon of Paranormal Activity grabs it and drags you down the hall.

666.My ceiling fan has 3 settings: 1. Very slow 2. Slow 3. I'm about to detach from the ceiling and kill you in a freak ceiling fan accident.

667.Don't expect a "bless you" after the 4th sneeze...gather yourself!

668.Google this number: 241543903. Then click Image Search. Then stick your head in a freezer, apparently.

669.When grown-ups tell kids they have a lot of energy, they really mean that they're being annoying little bastards.

670.Dear Self, You have an 8 page paper due tomorrow, and its 12:30. Why are you still on Facebook? Think about your future. And who is he putting his arm around? Look at her pictures real quick, is she pretty? Ugh, what is she wearing? Why are there pictures of her with a million different boys, what a slut! Sick, why is he hanging out with her! Well, its 3a.m... that'll getcha...

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