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561. I feel like people who eat breakfast really have their lives together.

562. There’s like 7 billion people in this world and I have like 4 friends.

563. Girl’s logic: When you like a guy, do nothing about it and expect him to magically know and make the first move.

564. The only thing worse than having a song stuck in your head for an entire day is not knowing the name of the song.

565. You think I’m not online.
But I’m always here.
Even if I’m not liking/commenting.
I’m here.

566. If two people are arguing and one person says, “You know what…” that argument is about to get awesome.

567. At the beginning of a relationship, I wonder if women rub their hands together and say “Let the games begin!”

568. That awkward moment when your in super deep thought. Then 3 minutes later you realize you are staring directly at someone.

569. Whoever the fuck thought of the idea for pants with fake pockets should be placed in a mental institution.

570. I don’t care how old I am. If I lose my Mom in the supermarket I will panic.

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