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721. Marriage is like playing Monopoly. It starts out as fun, gets a little boring, then someone steals money from the bank and no one ever wins.

722. I think we could significantly cut down the number of different pasta shapes and still be okay.

723. I'm really good at hiding things. From myself.

724. I like to think that when you die, you get to see your stats and high scores like at the end of a video game.

725. Sign you have too many Facebook friends: you say you're dieting on your Facebook page and when you order a large milkshake at McDonald's, the voice in the speaker answers, "But I though you were trying to cut back!"

726. .The problem with this generation boils down to: Their cartoons suck.

727. Pull over... Your driving skills are so awesome that I want to give you a high five in the face.

728. I feel like a text is too serious without an "lol" or "haha" in there somewhere.

8.Wearing an oversized shirt and no pants is probably the most comfortable thing of life.

729. That awkward moment when you realize you've been pronouncing a word wrong your whole life.

730. North West: Daddy what were you famous for?

Kanye: Rapping.

North West: mommy what were you famous for?

((awkward silence))

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