
5.4K 199 65

891. Rabbits jump and they live for 8 years. Dogs run and they live for 15 years. Turtles do nothing and they live for 150 years. Lesson learned.

892. 1% battery left and you run like a ninja to get your charger.

893. If you ever think someone's too cute to talk to just remember that they poop too.

894. It's cute that they sell family-sized Oreo boxes thinking that people are going to share them with their family.

895. There's no logical reason for shorts to be the same price as pants.

896. There are five types of fear.

1. terror / panic

2. insufficent funds

3. 14 missed calls from mom

4. username or password is incorrect

5. we need to talk

897. I really miss flip phones because at the end of a conversation you could always dramatically close them like b*tch whatever.

898. I'm the type of person who tries to fall back asleep in the morning, just to finish a dream.

899. How to get a woman mad in 2 easy steps:

1. Take a picture of her.

2. Don't show it to her.

900. Every time somebody ask me what is my favorite movie or my favorite song, suddenly, I forget every song or movie I've seen in my life.

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