Chapter 28

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Dec 9, 2015

Her words kept ringing on his ears, her eyes are focused only to him and it was expecting an answer. He doesn't know what to say, he doesn't know what to do, it felt like the words he wanted to tell her vanished suddenly.

"Tell me honestly" she added before standing up infront of him with her eyes pleading for him to give her an answer.

He breathed hard. He doesn't want to lose her but he have to be honest.
"I do.. I still do after all these time. I wanted to hate you, I wanted to forget you but everytime I picture your face I can't help but to fall inlove over again. Call me a fool but I will never ever regret loving you.."

Baekhyun said truthfully and when he looked up her eyes are tearing up. What have he done? Did he say something wrong?

"I won't push myself on you anymore.. just be my friend and I will be more than happy with that" Baekhyun said and Taeyeon deeply inhaled trying to prevent her tears.


She suddenly said. It frightened her that Baekhyun would just want them to be like that, she doesn't want to hurt him, she doesn't want to hurt the both of them anymore.

"Will you.. will you be.. willing to.. to give us a.. a.. second chance?" Taeyeon bravely asked and Baekhyun didn't utter any word. Instead, he stood up and engulfed her in a tight hug and as soon as he did, the tears Taeyeon is holding back flowed down her cheeks.

"I will be more than willing to have a second try with you. We will sort things out together.." Baekhyun said and Taeyeon nodded before hugging him back her face burried on his chest while her arms are wralled around her neck.

"We.. will take it slow.. right?" Taeyeon asked while sobbing hard. She can't control her tears anymore and she's slowly finding it hard to breathe because of the crying she have to do.

"As slow as we can.. we'll do this together" Baekhyun said before kissing the top of her head. Taeyeon slowly nodded before looking up to him, he wiped her tears away before giving her a smile.

"Stop crying.. I don't want to see you cry" Baekhyun said while wiping the tears on her face and Taeyeon smiled before nodding and hugging him tight.

"We're going to do this together.."

Taeyeon smiled as she stared into her room's ceiling. It's not that she agreed to have a relationship with him since they decided to take it slow but she's happy that he's going to be there every step of the way.

Her thoughts were broken by the ringing of her phone, she opened it and saw a message from Baekhyun telling her to get ready since it's his free day and they're going out.
She immediately fixed herself, she chose and simple and comfortable dress remembering how Baekhyun complemented her on how pretty she is in a simple style.
She felt suddenly giddy.

Taeyeon went down the hotel's lobby only to see Baekhyun approaching her with a wide smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Taeyeon asked since she expected Baekhyun to just wait for her at their destination for the day.

"Picking you up?" Baekhyun asked innocently and Taeyeon pinched his cheek making Baekhyun scowl in pain.

"You should have told me the place where we'll meet.." Taeyeon said before glaring him playfully and walking away leaving him sulking.
But then a sudden light bulb popped above Baekhyun's head and a sly smirk crept on his face.


Taeyeon heard her name being called by Baekhyun so she turned only to find his face inches closer to her again and suddenly he kissed her cheek.

Book 3: TWO WORLDS: The Beginning of the End (On Going)Where stories live. Discover now