2-Possessive hyung

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  I walked back in my room with a glass of water. Hobi was lying on my bed and playing games on my phone. He looked so cute.  I walked in front of him and gave him the glass. 

 "Thank you kitten.˝ he sat up on bed smiled at me before he drank all of it.

I sat in front of him and placed my back on his chest.

 "You can continue, I won't bother you." I looked up at him and he kissed my forehead. 

He put both of his hands in front me and continued to play. I leaned my head on his right arm while cheering on him. He found that adorable and gave me a kiss every time he scored. I closed my eyes and listened to his heart beat. I like to remember myself that someone  is actually here just spending time with me, making me laugh and feel safe. 

 "You got a message." I opened my eyes and took my phone from him. His tone was really weird. 

 I opened the message and slightly blush. 

 "So he finally left." Jhope said and I nodded while staring at picture of him. The choker I bought him was visible too.

 "Yep, he'll be back soon. And I will kill him with hugs. He's the best hugger." I talked and realized that Hobi stopped breathing. I looked up at him and got scared for a moment. He looked really angry. His eyes was burning a hole in my phone. I locked my screen so he can't look at his picture anymore. He's jealous. 

 "Why are you still like this?" I whispered and he let go of a breath he was holding. 

"Is that why you threw a teddy bear on the floor while I went to get you water?" He looked at me with his puppy eyes. Even he's mad at me he can't yell at me. He know how bad I react at violence and noise.

 "I just can't take this anymore Jimin. I can't be without you and yet I can't stand the fact that you're not only mine." He hugged me and pulled closer to his chest.

 "You're hurting me really bad. And it's not even your fault." He finished and I stared blankly at my door. 

 There we go again. 

 "Don't say anything. As usual." He said it like he's holding back to push me away from him and run away.

 "When is your mom back?"

 "Uhm...I don't know. Should I call her?" My eyes were still on the doors. 

 "Call her." I was really happy he didn't move from me. 

I dialed her number and started playing with his fingers while waiting for her to pick up. After she said she really don't know and that I don't wait for her I hang up. She was on speaker so Hobi heard that. I was kinda embarrassed. She sounded so cold and mean. I didn't wan't Hobi to heard that even he already know my relationship with her.

After 5 minutes he finally broke the silence. "I'll stay until she's back okay?" 

 I was still playing with his fingers. I just nodded. I didn't even thank him. ...


"I'm sorry baby." He cupped my face. 

 "You finally fall asleep and its already midnight and I work in the morning. I didn't mean to woke you up. "he smiled weakly at me before he gently kissed me. 

 "I don't wan't you to go. I know I'm selfish but stay!" I crossed my arms and pouted. He stand up and pick the teddy from the floor. He threw him at me. 

"Here you go, this should help you to sleep again. Goodnight Jimin"

  With that he left.

˝Bye, hyung. And thank you for taking care of me. Even I'm just a brat that's just searching for attention.˝ I said this when he was already gone because I just can't tell him this when he's here.

I looked around. It was dark. I hated to be in a dark room. I hugged the teddy bear that Taehyung gave me and closed my eyes.

 "I think I will call you Tae. You're good hugger and you smell just like him."  



As I promised, Im gonna update 2 chapters.

Guess who's gonna appear soon?  khm


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