4- Just a lucky bi*ch

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 Yoongi lie down on my bed in front of the laptop and looked at me.

"I dont want him to see you here." I simply said and crossed my arms.

"Please leave. I won't be on for long." Yoongi didn't even looked at me. He stand up and from walked outside while slamming the door. I took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Finally!" Tae sang. He had over sized shirt and that made his collarbones visible

"Tae you look so good!" I tried to do aegyo he loved a lot.

"It's good right? I can even have green hair and look hot. Jiminie your hair is kinda messy. Fix it" 

"Ohh" I tried to fix my hair and started blushing."I run from the stairs to answer your call." I lied and felt bad. I don't want to hurt Tae he was also my best friend. 

I smiled at him while listening to his funny stories, but inside I was breaking apart. He knew about Hobi and Yoongi but still it was hard to tell him when I'm with them .

"I have to go Jiminie. I will be back and attack you with kisses very soon. Okay?" 

"Okay Tae. Take care and eat well." With that I ended the call. 

Stupid Jimin. Doing one but wanting something else. I closed my laptop and stand up.

 I opened the doors of my room and spotted Yoongi sitting at the floor next to my room. I looked down at him and sigh. He's always so sensitive. I sat next to him and kissed his head. He looked at me with his poker face. 

"Are you hungry? Should I make you something to eat?" He asked coldly."

˝I know you heard me lying. I'm sorry Suga." I put my head on his shoulder hoping he wont move back. "I must be so manipulative. To you, Tae and Hobi." I whispered. 

He didn't said anything.He agreed with me. I'm glad he did.

"Let's go watch some movies in the living room and I'll make popcorn." he spoke after few moments of silent.

I nodded.


My dad woke me up. I opened my eyes. It was already dark. 

"You're back." I yawned and sat up on the couch. 

I realized Yoongi is gone. I didn't asked my dad about him when I already know he caught us cuddling on the couch. 

 "C'mon,you should go to your bed. Its weekend so you can sleep longer˝my dad said 

. .. When I finally lay down on my bed I texted Yoongi before I fall asleep again.

 I felt so bad. Im actually playing with other people feeling and I'm not too strong to accept feelings from them. I stared at the ceiling while hugging Tae. 

Please Yoongi answer me.

Few minutes after I recieved the message. 

Yoongi: Yes Jimin I came home safe. I just didn't want to wake you up. Sweetdreams cutie. x

 I smiled. Im glad hes not mad at me. At the end he works for my dad and I will see him for a long time. I don't want things to get awkward between us.


"Make sure to text me when you finnished your work." My dad said while reading the newapapers. I looked at my mom that was sitting with him and eating  grapes. I waved at her and walked outside. 

It was 1:30 pm. I have half an hour until I start. I put my headphones and started walking to the gym.


"Okay can you just sign the papers and you're officially a part of our gym." I handed him the papers and he signed them with a big smile on his face.

 I worked at the reception. And it was a weekend job. I liked it because I can earn some money and I'm not at home. I was typing on the computer when i saw someone standing at the reception.

I stopped typing and looked up to meet with most beautiful brown eyes. The eyes I know but actually never saw from this close.

 "It's you!" He smiled at me and let out an adorable laugh. 

"Uhm...it's me." I stared confused at him. "Do you wan't to join our gym?" I also tried to act cool but I was secretly thinking how to take a picture of his smile. 

"No, I mean its you. The guy that locked eyes with me yesterday." He leans on my desk. "I'm Jungkook, and you're really cute." He offered me his hand but I frowned trying to figure out is he joking.

 I looked down at his hand "I'm Jimin. And yes I am cute. " we shook hands and he smirked. 

"See you later, hyung. I'm gonna train now." Aah Park Jimin of course he's already in gym, that's why he have that body. 

His hand is really soft. Really,really soft I want to have it on my cheek all day long.That boy is something special. 


 I texted my dad that I will go visit my friend at his work.

 Hobi called me to visit him until he's done working. I agreed, I will go anywhere than home.


It's 8 pm and I greeted Mimi who's gonna replace me. I put on my  jacket and walked outside the gym.

 "Jimin hyung!!" I heard someone running from behind.I stopped when I felt his hand on my shoulder. I flinched and turned back at him. 

I was really nervous. He was too close and I was cold and that make me want to hug his warm body.

 "Jimin?" He lean closer to my face."Ohh, Jungkook. What..uhm, what do you want?" I said and moved   back. I looked everywhere just so I don't have to look at him.. 

"I want your number." he said and took his phone out. And now I was staring at him. What kind of game is that?

 "I- I don't usually give my number to strangers." I manage to say even I really wanted to give him my number. 

He looked at his phone and put it back to his pocket. "Than let's get to know eachother!" He smiled and hugged himself, he was cold too. 

" Jungkook I'm going to a caffe bar where my friend work and you're..."

He was quick to cut me off "Okay hyung I'm going with you." 

I sigh and nodded. Well I can't say no. I really want to get to know him better. 

"Ehm, yeah Hoseok is kinda weird." I whispered and he chuckled. 

 After few minutes of walking he finally spoke. "Do you have a boyfriend? I don't." I stopped and looked at him. I scratched back of my neck. 

"I-I don't have a boyfriend. " I didn't lied. Non of them were actually my boyfriends. 

"And there was no need to tell me that you're single." I finished and he smirked.

 "I know you wanted to know that."


Soooo, I'm gonna update asap bc I don't want you to think that they will end up together that easy khm... Don't get fooled by this kinda idk cheesy chapter.


O and it's reaaallly late so don't mind my mistakes.

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