6- Weird and cute

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Tears had poured from my eyes without any change in my facial expression until I walked in my room and locked the doors.. It's pure pain and pure surrender when your soul cries without any fight from your body.

I lie on the floor, washed by nothing and hanging on.  

I was still crying. Maybe it was because of Hobi hyung or maybe because of myself. I don't deserve no ones affection, but being selfish I am, as soon as I saw any of them I will run into their arms. 

 My mom saw me crying. 

And I'm sure my dad heard me but they ignored me. And that really hurt. 

I was hugging Tae all day and he was now wet with tears. Taehyung's shirt was wet too. I really love this teddy bear. And the person that gave it to me. 

After being in my room for 3 hours doing nothing I finally did my homework and lay down on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I felt so bad that now I was at the point where I can't stop my tears. I'm getting tired of crying. 

 Suddenly my attention was on my laptop. Skype call from Taehyung. Damn it this boy can always find right time to call. 

I took the laptop and placed it on my bed. I answered but without camera. 

Taehyung popped up on a screen with his beautiful smile. His hair was messy and he was in a black shirt, lying on the bed.

 "Jiminie?" By the sound of his deep and husky voice I guess he just woke up. "Are you there?"

 Jimin typing.. 

 -I'm here but I'm sick and I look like shit :(

 He shook his head and pouted "I don't care, you always look beautiful to me."

 Jimin typing...

 -No. I don't want you to see me like this

˝But it's not fair that you can see me and I can't see you, right?" he turn off his camera too. 

 Jimin typing... 

-Taeee pleasee

"Nope. And because I can't hear your voice too" he turn off his mic too

 Jimin typing...

 -Noooo I'm sorry 

-I really miss you 


Taehyung typing... 

-Kitten If you want to play I can play too


Jimin typing...


 I crossed my arms and sigh. I fixed my hair and wiped my tears and turn on my camera. 

Taehyung typing...

-You're still beautiful. 

"I hate you for making me do this." I pouted and put the hoodie over my head. 

"We both know you can't hate me." He appeared on my screen again. "Are you excited? Only two more weeks?"

 I started clapping while nodding.

"Now tell me who make you cry." His face was serious now. "And? You can't lie to me." 

I was looking down at my keyboard and before I spoke I hugged my Tae. 

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