baby Ji for daddy

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You dirty dirty people

I literally got all yes on my question about sex toys!


I expected more from you.
Like cute scene of making love but I guess not.

I'm totally for top Jimin but he can't be top in this story
He's so fluffy and smol :)



[2 months later]

Jimin rethink about this milion times before.

He was scared and he know he will freak out because who knows how nasty Jungkook actually is.

But even he think it's too much he also can imagine how happy Jungkook is gonna be.

Since Jimin got a job at pet store since both of them got bored to be home all day and Jungkook started to go on english lession older boy woke up early and kissed Jungkook gently on his soft cheek before reaching for his bag and took out the peace of paper he wrote day before.

"How much do you even love Jungkook?" He whispered to himself and looked down at the note. "Too much."

He placed the paper on his pillow and went to take a shower before he got ready for his job.

But Jungkook also had a surprise for Jimin.

When Jimin sat down in his car and turn on the radio at loudest he reached for his bag again and opened his wallet only to find beautiful shiny ring.

"Shit Jungkook!" He screamed.

It was a promise ring, you'll think nothing special but it was.

Jungkook wrote inside the ring: "I promise that I will marry you one day."

Jimin blushed and jumped on his seat. He got a feeling of their first talk or first touch, first kiss and secret they shared.

That was one year ago and now it's way more serious.

Jimin was sure about the letter he left to his boyfriend. He was 100% sure.


"Fuck!" Jungkook groaned.

He streched and threw away his alarm clock.

He was pretty sure he broke another one.

"Stupid alarm." He muttered and reached for Jimin.

Because every morning he expect him in his bed but also every day he was gone before younger boy wake up.

Instead Jimin's soft hair he touched the letter.

Jungkook quickly sat up and opened the letter with fully speed.

"What kind of cute words did Jimin wrote?" He sang and started reading it.

"Happy one year anniversary Jungkook.

You know how much I love you. And you also know I'm not good with words.

So I wanna show you how much I believe you and want to see you happy. We did lot of stupid things in this year.

I want you to go to that sex shop and buy whatever you want for us.

Because tonight I will let my daddy to do whatever he wants with his baby Ji.

Jikook // Skinship {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now