you're not him

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As the car stopped Jimin stared at the building trying to connect the pieces in his head.

He opened the door's eagerly and shut them hard while cursing.

"Namjoon get out!" He shouted. "And unlock fucking doors!"

Jimin stepped back and crossed his arms waiting for older boy to get out.

"I can explain. I never mean this to-" Namjoon looked down and played with  car keys nervously.

"I don't need your stupid explanation now. I will deal with you later." He waved with his hand while walking past him to the creepy building. "Lead me to his room."

The building was big, with lot of windows and cells on it. It also had a huge garden with too many benches is you ask Jimin.

Jimin stepped inside and looked down at his outfit. Does he look good for him? What if Jungkook think he look ugly now?

He stopped to check himself in the mirror and sigh.

He changed so much.


"Love me, love me not, love me, love me no-"

"Kookie?" His annoying nurse peeked trough his doors with her long black hair and small eyes.

"Get out! I stopped at "love me not" now I will live with no love." Jungkook shouted and gripped harshly on his hair.

The nurs run go him and kneeled down looking softly at him.

"Calm down. I have a surprise for you!" She smiled and took his hand. "It's outside. Come see it with me."

Jungkook shook his head and remain still on his bed. "I don't want to go anywhere with you."

She smirked before quickly stealing the polaroid on Jungkook's desk with Jimin on it.

He screamed and run after her trough the halls. She stopped when they got outside and all Jungkook could see was Jimin's picture.

"That's mine!" He whined and saw the nurs giving polaroid to some man.

Jungkook liked the small fingers. And all those beautiful rings. "My picture." He said and took it just to put it on his chest.


Younger boy lazily looked up and blinked  before he met the most beautiful eyes. "Uh. Hi." Jungkook said. He wanted to go back to his room but something was making him to stay.

"I missed you." Jimin moved and hugged younger but taller boy. "I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."

Jungkook push Jimin away just to frown at him. "Jimin hyung looks like you." He whispered and looked down at polaroid. "Yes. Like twins."

"Jungkook that's Jimin." Namjoon came from behind Jimin and Jungkook looked at him in horror. "Y-you. You killed my Jimin!" He breathed hard and started running back inside.

Jimin glared at Namjoon before runing to Jungkook.

He breathed hard when he finally run to 3th floor. He was standing in front of white doors. His room must be so boring, he felt bad for poor boy. He felt angry. He hated everyone.

"Jungkook?" he knocked gently. "It's me Jimin." he said and his voice cracked.

Thes we're so perfect. And Jimin just want him to see that they are special, they are worth it.

Theres no love like this. Nothing like them. Nothing like two boys together.

"Jeon Jungkook open the door, please!" Jimin burst into tears. He finally said his full name outloud.  Calling the real Jungkook.

He finally opened the doors. He pouted at Jimin and tilted his head. "Don't lie." he said. "My Jimin is up there watching me. He is preparing my place when I die too." he smiled widely .

"I'm here. I'm right here. Please let me hug you." Jimin begged and stepped closer. "We're Jikook." he whispered and took younger boys hand .

Jungkook didn't react he just pulled Jimin inside his room.

The room that looked like Jikook oltar.


"Can I tell you about my hyung?" Jungkook asked as he sat down on his bed.

"Yeah, tell me about me." Jimin said and sat next to his boyfriend.

His boyfriend that doesen't even believe him.


Ok so....shitty fast update. I promised to update this and nude for nude but my brother end up in hospital today.

We spend 3 hours in emergency room


He got burns 2. Faze.

Now he can't go on sun for a month and please pray for my little brother.

Anywaaay sorry

Anywaaay sorry

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