10- Hug

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I opened my eyes and groaned.How can my phone ring? Im sure i turned him off.

 "Hello." I yawned.

 "What's your favorite song?" It was Jungkook. 


 "I'm in front of your house. I told you I will sing under your balcony. " I sat up on bed.

 "What are you doing there?! I'm not even home!" I yelled. 

"But I can say by your voice that you just woke up." 

 "Uhm, I'm at my friends house. Please go home." My voice was calm. I really feel bad for Jungkook. 

"O, hope you had fun." After he said that he hang up.

 I can hear that he's hurt.Damn it. He's probably mad now. Last thing I want is to hurt him. I looked around Hoseok's room and saw that I'm alone,  did hyung already woke up? 

I rubbed my eyes before walking to the living room.

 "This hyung." I shook my head while watching Hoseok snoring on his couch.

 His blanket fall on the floor. I walked to him and blushed. He was in his boxers and his shirt was lift up so I can see his abs.I closed my eyes.

Don't stare Jimin. That's creepy. 

I peeked a little bit and giggled. Handsome hyung.. 

I took a blanket and covered him. Before walking to bathroom to take a shower. 

I took a deep breath before running to Hoseok's room holding onto my towel. I forgot to took clean clothes. 

I run inside his room and quickly closed the doors resting my forehead on them. That was close, I think hyung is still sleeping.

 "Jimin?" O no. 

"H-hyung?" I turned around with silly grin on my face."I..uhm...I need clothes." I stuttered.

 "I can see that " He said and gave me the clothes he picked for himself. 

I took them and looked up but he was looking away. Why us he so weird? 

 "You didn't sleep with me?" I bit my tongue when I heard how that actually sound. 

Hoseok went to his wardrobe picking clothes for himself. 

"I was uncomfortable." He spoke and I bit my lip. I was really sad. 

Hyung was never this cold to me. 

 "Oh, I will dress than I will leave." I felt unwanted.

 "NO!" he shouted and turned around to face me.

 "Why?" I frowned while putting his shirt on. 

"Yoongi called me. It's not safe." I nodded and played with my fingers. I need to break this awkward situation.

 I stand up and let my towel fall down before I took his boxers and put them on. 

"So how's your dance going?" I started talking wile putting his sweatpants on. He didn't answer.

 "Hm?" I looked at him and he covered his face with his shirt. 

I giggled and pick up the towel. 

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