baby boy

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I have day off so I will update skinship and nude for nude.

I m sleepy abd have no time and inspiration for Love me sober. Sooory ;(

Prays for inspiration.


It's the day.

The day when Jimin and Jungkook left their hometown, family, friends, everything...

Older boy was scared and excited.

Scared because his house is full of mens who know when someone is lying or hiding something.
They are in that kind of job they have to know things like that.

But he have Namjoon. To look after him and fix his mistakes.

Yep, this time Namjoon is taking care of Jimin.


"He's not answering." Namjoon said as he sat down on Jimin's bed with phone on his ear.

Jimin was scared. This can't go wrong. Every little thing need to be perfect.

"Call him again! We have only two more hours!" Jimin shook Namjoon's shoulder and that made older boy annoyed.

"Calm down! Just trust me and took care of your Jungkook. He can't fuck up too!"

Jimin's dad is going out in one hour and 45 minutes, in that time Jimin is going out alone so the story is he kinda run away from him to meet Jungkok.

By that time Namjoon's friend also known as Bobby is gonna drive close to Jimin's house and of course since he's narko boss no way he's gonna get unnoticed.

Jimin is gone, Namjoon have no idea where he went, Bobby was noticed close to the house by that time and since Bobby and Jimin's dad are not on good terms all fault is gonna go on Bobby.

And Bobby is leaving to Egypt with his fiancee so no way they are gonna find him too.

Jimin is excited because of the reason he's doing all of this.

Jeon Jungkook.

Two of them are finally gonna enjoy eachother.

Without acting, hiding or anything that can ruin their happines.

All of this would be too much if this is not real love that happens only once.

Evew two of them are different they fit perfectly.

Jimin reached for his phone same second when he heard the well known song.

"Baby boy!" Jimin squeeled when he answered.

"Hyung." He heard sniffs from the other side of the line. "I'm ready."

Jimin frowned. This is no good.

"Kookie why are you coughing this much?"

"Nothing. Just a little cold." He barely spoke.

Jimin stand up and went to look for Namjoon to cancel everything.

"Baby I will meet you at your house. No way you will travel in that condition." Jimin didn't let his boyfriend to protest because he already hang up.

"Namjoon hyung!" Orange haired boy yelled when he saw his bodyguard eating something from the fridge. He looked up in panic. "We need to cancel the plan."

"We what?" Namjoon stand up.

Jimin shrugged and walked to him. He took his phone and dialed Bobby's number. Older boy just watched Jimin because he have no idea what's going on.

...and Jungkook is really sick. I need to take care of him he can get even worst while traveling."

Namjoon can't believe his ears. Did he just canceled their plan that they planned from a month because his boyfriend got a cold?

Well, that really was love.


"Bobby was mad. What's his problem?" Jimin was confused.

Namjoon decided not to answer his question. He see only Jungkook so no need to waste time.


Jimin spend half an hour in supermarket looking for everything that can help Jungkook to get better. He decided to buy more then ten types of tea, honey, lemons, some multivitamins and one big blanket. To keep Kookie warm, even his own body is gonna keep him warm enough too.

"Yah! Wake up!" He yelled and sat down on passenger seat.

Poor Namjoon fall asleep while waiting for Jimin.

"I waited so long and yet I don't even deserve a chocolate?"

Jimin glared at Namjoon and started looking in the bag. "Here. You look like you love cherry tea." He throw the box at his bodyguard and both of them just laughed.

Orange haired boy slowly and carefully tip toed inside Jungkook's room. His mother let him in and she told him he was sleeping since he got really exousted.

He closed the doors and for any case locked.

He still feel uncomfortable after that accident with police uniform and his mother walking on them.

"Baby boy." Jimin whispered. "I will help you get better." He said and placed cup of tea on Jungkook's nightstand.

"Minnie?" Younger boy opened his eyes and met beautiful face of his boyfriend. "Go home! You'll get my cold."

"I don't care. I will take care of you." He kissed his red nose and snuggled next to Jungkook covering them with new blanket.


"Shhh." He placed his finger on Jungkook's lips and younger boy shut up. "Now drink your tea because we're leaving tomorrow."


I think I will fall asleep before updating another two stories.


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