He was sweet.

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Since you asked and you deserve so here's double update.

I was bored at work hehe


"Jimin. Can we talk?"

"Uhm. I can't right now hyung."

Jimin's dad looked at Yoongi with question over his head. Yoongi bowed at him. "Please sir." He asked politely.

"Jimin, go with him. Don't take too long."


"Hyung it's hurting me."

"Sorry Jimin." He said and let go of Jimin's hand. "Namjoon told me that you're planning to take over the company."

"Yes?" Jimin frowned at him.

"Please don't do it. Your dad. He have lot of enemies because of his job. I don't want you to be hurt." Yoongi spoke but last few words was more like a whisper.


"What?" Older boy looked at Jimin with wide eyes. "You have to listen to me. I do care for you."

Jimin snorted and crossed his arms. Yoongi let him down more then once.

"You are the one that I don't believe. You left me. You lied and you put my boyfriend in jail. Now leave." Jimin half shouted and turn around to walk back into the room.

"You don't know the real truth Jimin. And you will never know. But please don't do it. Don't took over your dad's company"

Jimin didn't listen. He just shut the doors behind him.

Yoongi hit the wall and cursed under his breath. He have no right to do more than he did. He can just pray Jimin won't do anything stupid.

Yoongi waited in the living room. He walked norvously and sigh every few seconds.

"Chill out man." Namjoon mumbled while eating the sandwich he find in the fridge.

Older boy stopped and glared at his friend. "Is it good?"

"Hm?" Namjoon looked at Yoongi.

"Sandwich. Jimin's sandwich."

Namjoon nodded. Of course he didn't care it's Jimin's, thst brat gave him nothing but trouble.

"Why are you still here?" Both of them turn and face Jimin.

"Tell me you didn't agree." Yoongi walked to younger boy and looked him right in the eyes.

"I did. I realized it's what I have to do."

"Bullshit. You just ruined your life."

Namjoon finished the sandwich and went to call the maid to vacuume the leftovers that were all over the couch and floor.

"Hyung, why do you suddenly care? It's not like were friends anymore." Jimin said and looked away. He pressed his lips together just like he always do. And Yoongi cursed the day he left the younger.

"You will always be my little koala. That's why you need to quit this shit." Older boy said and felt his cheeks heating up. He deffinetly used wrong words.

"Please leave. Stop wasting time on me."

Yoongi nodded. He know Jimin is stubborn. Really stubborn.

He tried. And there's nothing else he can do.

"Okay. I'll leave now." He said with sad tone hoping Jimin will call after him.

"Bye hyung."

But he didn't.


"And in few days I will ask him about the money so it won't be suspicous." Jimin talked while Jungkook played with his soft hair.

"Hyung. I feel bad because we will spend your money." Jungkook confessed shyly.

Jimin laughed at how cute he can be. He looked up at his boyfriend and pinched his nose. "Baby. We are talking about milions. And I really don't mind spending it on you" he loved how Jungkook always get shy. "And, your lap is really comfortable for my head." He teased him more.

"Hyung. This may sound dirty."

"Go on." Jimin had a smirk on his face.

"I can't wait to fuck you on the bed full of money." Jimin sat up on the grass and turn around to face serious Jungkook. "Is that dirty?" He asked innocently.

"Damn it Kookie " Jimin mumbled and literally jumped on his taller boyfriend until the boys back was on the grass and Jimin was on top of him kissing him all over the face and neck.


I have no idea about next chapter. Ugh.


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