you can fly

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Do u watch SMTM 5?? Can u tell me is ep 2 with eng sub out?
I watched raw version and i dont get it ugh


All three of them were flying.

But one was flying wrong.

He didn't have wings.



One more time. Yoongi thought.
One more time I'm gonna try. If he doesen't want me I will go to my angel.

Min Yoongi, the boy who wasn't scared of anything, the boy with no emotions, the boy trapped in this world, the boy who was always alone.

He was shivering while taking heavly and deadly slow steps.
Step by step he was closer to the room he was looking for.


He bit his lip while reaching for knob. It took him more time then it's needed to open regular hospital doors.

Still feeling the pain on his jaw from Jungkook punching him just remind him he's not needed here, or anywhere in this world.

He opened the doors and entered the room with his head low.


He heard his breathing but Jimin didn't answered, as he look up he saw that his angel is sleeping.

"Park Jimin you were always so beautiful." He whispered while staring down at him. "But I was never mean to be to enjoy it." Older boy felt terrible pain in his chest when he said that.

The painful truth.

Older boy was sitting there for God knows how long.

He didn't moved his eyes from sleeping beauty, not for a moment. Only when he had to blink, but if he was able to choose he wouldn't blink once,that was waste of time for him.

Younger boy yawned cutely and rubbed his eyes before opening them and meeting Yoongi's cold one.

Wait, they were soft, his gaze was soft and warm.

"Hyung?" He sat up on his bed kinda scared since he remembered what happened.

"I didn't mean to-"

"You didn't mean to injure me but to kill Jungkook?" Jimin had no mercy with his words.

Yoongi looked down playing with his ring nervously.

"I'm crazy, Jimin." He finally accepted it. But is it too late?

"You are fucking ready for lunatic! I know you're not the same hyung anymore!" Younger boy yelled with only anger wnd dissapointment in his voice. "Hyung would protect me and people I love."

"Yeah." Yoongi knew he have no chance to win Jimin back, or to live.

"Why are you here? You know you're the last person I want to see?"

He nodded and took his courage to look at those calm and beautiful eyes Jimin owned, but he didn't find them.

Jimin had those eyes only for Jungkook.

"Jimin, does this mean you're not coming with me?"

"No." Jimin laughed at how paethetic Yoongi was.

"Even if I told you I'm gonna look for help and always do whatever you want?"

"Never Yoongi, I'm never gonna be with you. "

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