11- Jeon Jungkook

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I'm gonna do Jungkook pov this time..

Hoseok is next and than we have Tae and our little Yoongi. 



"Is this okay?" My mom asked me when she handed me an old phone. "I can't buy you a new one. I'm sorry."

 I took the phone and smiled. "Is this your old phone?" 

 "Yes, I'm sorry. You will be so embarrassed in front of your friends." She sat down next to me. 

I placed the phone on the table and started eating my breakfast.

 "It's okay. I don't care what they think." 

 "Ah, Jungkook. I will buy you new one soon." She continued and put her arm on my shoulder as comfort.

 "I SAID IT'S OKAY!" I raised my voice and she moved her hand quickly. She sigh and looked down at her cup. 

 I looked at her and felt guilty. 

My mom. 

The woman who was here for me, she helped me to survive in this world, she learned me how to not care, and showed me what love is. With her by my side I never needed a dad. 

 "Make sure do took your therapy. I have to go to work." She said, her voice was almost a whisper. 

 "I love you." My mom gave me a weak smile in respond. 


This old Nokia is gonna ruin me. It's so hard to type on it. 

I lay down and put the phone on my nightstand, I ate, did the dishes, did my homework.

My therapy. I forgot to took it. I opened my nigh stand and took out a box of Trazodone.I just started taking it but I really hope this will help. Because going to that useless therapist didn't help at all.

 The thing is, when I got in any bad situation...I'm shaking and seeing red, I'm blacking out before anything is said, It's the fight I try to hide, the anger that rages in me, I am enraged I see red and black. I don't know what's happening , I want to fight to release my anger, I'm always the one who lose. And the beast don't want to run it wants to play. 


 ."Stupid Jungkook" i murmured while walking to school. 

I should be smarter. Fight against myself.Just do it.


 That's nothing special, I can control them. I will focus on myself more so I can be happy and normal, just like everyone else. 

 I took the lollipop from my bag and opened it. 


 I put the lollipop in my mouth and turn around to face Yugyeom and Bobby. 

 "Hey brat." Bobby had that smirk on his face and he gave me that two fingers salute wave.I gently punched him on his shoulder.

 "Are you like 5?" Yugyeom joked and tried to took the lollipop from my mouth. 

"Stop it. My mom buy this for me." I whispered and smiled to myself.

 They both laughed at me and I glared before walking to the school in front of them. Every day same story. 

Jikook // Skinship {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now