Runaway baby

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Jungkook graduated two day's ago. And he got drunk.

Jimin too.

Well Namjoon too even he was suposed to take care of them.

"I feel hiiiiigh!" Namjoon sang while Jikook gave eachothers sweet little kisses.

"Call me queen B!" The older of three shouted to random guy that was passing.

"Stop touching my expencive shirt" Random boy shouted at Namjoon sassily.

"C'mon princess dance with me."

The boy glanced at the couple by the table. He smirked when he recognised one of them.

"Jimin?!" He ignored Namjoon's hand and sat next to orange haired boy.

"Jin hyung!" Jimin pushed Jungkook off him and hugged the older boy. "What a surprise."

Jin nodded and smiles cutely at the younger before he looked at Jungkook. "Oh, you're with Jungkook? I thought you two broke up?"

Jungkook snorted and reached for his drink.

"We did." Jimin answered." He graduated so we just decided to hang out."

"Hm, okay." Jin spoke. "Jungkook congradulation. You are almost a man now " he said to younger boy with smirk on his face.

"At least I'm not old like you." Younger boy said rudely and hugged his fake boyfriend around the waist. "Can we make out little bit more? Like friends with benefits you know." He winked and Jimin nodded ignoring Jin's pressence and kissed Jungkook.

"Okay then."

Namjoon waited for Jin to end his talk with two lovebirds. "Can we dance now?"

Jin was bored so why not. Namjoon is really handsome and Hoseok is working so he can't see them.

"Come here you big baby " he said and pulled Namjoon on the dance floor.


"Thank's dad. I will take good care of this card." Jimin told his dad cutely before he took the credit card from his fater's hand.

"You know theres milions on it right? Be careful."

So as soon as Jimin agreed to take over his dad's buissnes he can finally have the money his dad was saving for him.

And what he will do with it?

Spend it on a loooong trip.

With Jungkook.

"I need to meet with someone so put that card on safe place."

As soon as his father walked out of his house young boy run to his room to skype Jungkook.

"Look what I got." Orange haired boy waved with his card in front of his laptop. "Can you believe it?"

On the other line Jungkook gasped. "Is this really happening hyung?" He put his hand over his mouth.

"Yes baby. Soon we will be far away." Jimin smiled widely and lay on his bed with his laptop on his stomach.

"And my mom? She will be worried and sad."

"She will be fine, we will give her money. Baby, money is never problem." Older boy looked at the laptop. "Don't look sad. You will visit her. She can visit us too. But no one is suposed to know where we are. It has to be secret."

Jungkook frowned and moved his phone closer to his face. "Why does it have to be secret?" He whispered.

"I'm pretty sure my dad is gonna kill us both if he found out what we did."

"Oh, we need a plan." At the end Jungkook said.

"Shit. I need to ask Namjoom hyung for favour then." Jimin groaned. "See you tomorrow cutie."

"Sweetdreams hyung." Jungkook blow a kiss at Jimin before he hang up.


"Jimin! I swear you will kill me with your ideas one day!" Namjoon panicked as usual.

"Shh. Someone is gonna hear you screaming. So what do you say?" Jimin asked.

Namjoon sat down on Jimin's bed. This was huge thing to do.

"Hyung.~" younger boy pouted cutely and walked closer to Namjoon. "You will be wings for our love " .

"O stop it Jimin."

"Please "

After long few minutes of Namjoom groaning and pulling his hair. He finally calmed down and looked at the boy.

"I'll help you to fake your kiddnaping." Jimin squeeled and started jumping around the room. He kissed Namjoon's cheek and sat on the bed with huge smile on his face.

"...and I will lose my job."

"No. I will make sure to let it look like it's all my fault. Don't worry."


Is this confusing enough?

Okay double update because I am so happy for amouth of reads and votes on thhs book. Also I looove your comments too.

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