I was blind

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Maybe he was wrong, maybe he was hiding his feelings too, maybe he's not himself when he's with Jungkook.

Jimin is standing at the airport staring at the gates.

He lied to his boyfriend who's probablly sleeping again since its 6am.

He told him he's out for a walk.

Jimin was biting his lip scared of the emotions his hyung is gonna cause when he appeared in front of Jimin.

His hyung used to always be there for him, hs become his friend, older brother and lover.

But they were never official.

Jimin's heart started beating really fast when he saw Yoongi few meters away from him.

Older boy had his beautiful smile on and Jimin find himself smiling too.

His hyung makes his heart skip a beat.

Maybe they are mean to be.


"Hyung.?" Younger boy whispered while taking small steps closer to him.

"It's not me Jimin."

Younger boy tilted his head in confusion.

But few second after standing in front of Jimin older boy finally spread his hands and motion Jimin to come closer.

He jump on him and hughed him with all his strenght smelling his hyung's hair.

It still smelled the same.

"Baby." Yoongi whispered and Jimin being needy as always he didn't even asked about Jackson before moving back and glancing down at Yoongi's lips before kissing him.

It was the dream kiss. Two of them in the middle of airport with people giving the strange looks, but they were in their own little world they shared for years now.

Jimin bit Yoongi's lip and older boy squeezed Jimin's ass making younger boy to moan Yoongi's name into the kiss.

"Jimin, you are free."

"Hm?" Jimin said while wiping his mouth. "I am for a while now."

But Yoongi laughed evily at him. "Silly, I mean free from your dad." He kissed Jimin's nose before letting go of him.

Jimin was quiet just frowning at Yoongi. Was his dad looking for them?

"Cutie I get rid of your dad."

Younger boy felt his world spinning around making him to fall on his knees.

"Jimin?" Older boy kneeled in front of him holding Jimin's face in his palms.

"Yoongi!!" He screamed removing his hyung's hands away. "Why did you do that?"

"To have you for myself." He smiled cutely at Jimin.

"But..." Jimin cried.

"And Jeon Jungkook is next."

In the mean time in the real world when Jimin woke up from his nightmare it was night and Jimin was sweating really bad.

He took the glass of water from his nightstand and drink it all up. He wiped his mouth and glanced on the right side of the bed where Jungkook is supposed to sleep.

And he found the younger boy watching Jimin with his head resting on his left palm.

"Kookie?" Jimin's voice cracked when he saw a tear falling from his boyfriend's cheek.

But his face didn't showed any emotion.

"I had a nightmare." Jimin felt bad and moved closer to hold Jungkook around his waist.

"I heard you."

So he was sleeptalking? What did he heard?

It may sound wrong but it wasn't in that moment.

"I thought I fucked that annoying hyung out of your mind."

With that Jungkook stand up and walked outside their bedroom.

And Jimin didn't followed him.

Because Jungkook's eyes were red and ge know when it's time to let younger boy to be alone and calm down.


I hope you get my hints in that dream at the beggining.


"It's not me Jimin"




Get ittt?? Omg Is this story going to sad ending too?

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