14- Kim Taehyung

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uhm...in any case I have to put a warning.


 I stepped outside the train feeling super nervous. The train station was huge, and I was scared I will get lost. I was really clumsy after all.

 I sat down on a bench looking at people walking around me. Everything is Seoul was unfamiliar to me and I don't like unknown places. 

When I decided to text Himchan I noticed someone standing in front of me. 

"Why are you sitting here looking like a lost puppy?" I smiled before looking up and meeting those beautiful eyes. 

He offered me a hand and I took it and stand up. "Seoul is so scary." I said before I hugged him. "I missed you." I whispered and he hugged me tighter.

 He smelled like coffee and expensive perfume. 

 "Are you hungry? Let's go eat first."


My eyes stopped on our intertwined hands that are swinging while we walked to Himchan's house.

 "What are you feeling for me hyung?" I asked. 

"Right now? Happiness because you're here with me." He moved his had from mine and used the sane hand and hugged me around my waist. 

"And who know what will I feel later." He winked down at me and I can't help but giggle.

 We walked inside his house. It was so beautiful and stylish I was really suprised. I put down my bag and opened my mouth.

 "This house." I stopped to look at Himchan. "Is like my dream house " 

 "C'mon let me show you your room." Himchan took my hand and I picked my bag before we walked upstairs. 

I really hoped we will sleep in same bed.


Himchan was laughing and I just stared down at him while playing with his hair. Everything was like a dream.

 Away from everyone, with a beautiful person that I fall for, in his house. Just two of us. And in this time I forgot about everything and everyone.

I hope you are beginning to see just how much I care for you,and all my feelings will always be true even I can't describe how much I care for you.

 "And do you remember when we got lost in London and that woman wanted to take us to her home?" 

 "That old pedo grandma." He laughed and I nodded. 

I moved from the couch and sat down on the floor next to Himchan. He glanced at me before putting his legs on my lap and laying on the floor. 

I frowned at his move and looked down. He had a smirk on his face and his hands are behind his head.

 "What?" I asked because I was shy from his stare. 

"It's always fun with you. But this kind of fun kinda got bored." 

 "W-what kind of fun?" My voice was almost a whisper. 


 I gulped. I was never the shy one. But with him it's different. He's older and more flirty than me.

 He mimicked me with his index finger to come closer. I blinked few times before I started leaning down. 

In a second he put his arms around my waist and pulled me down. Our lips connected for second time since we know each other. 

Jikook // Skinship {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now