And I Wonder If I Ever Cross Your Mind (Finnish)

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I got tagged by jikookfmu like one of her fave accs and I promised to return the tag but since I don't have a tag book and you got annoyed if I do it here so I'll add this here, in my last chapter.
This is not the real tag but I love you.

This is not the real tag but I love you

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Ok let's start.


Jimin walked into the apartment sighing heavily.

Jungkook did it again.

He turn the lights on and start looking around for Jungkook. He walked to the living room trying not to step on things like picture frames, clothes, candy Jimin always buy for Jungkook because he know how much he love it, shoes or even Jungkook's pills.

"Kookie?" he called out softly when his eyes caught the crying boy on the floor in their room. "Are you okay now?" he kneeled in front of him and took all their old pictures away from him.

"Can he stop? He always haunt me." Jungkook cried while he stared at the ground. "He make me feel guilty for living with you. ". He gripped on his shirt.

Jimin cupped youngers boys cheeks and kissed his tears away. He smiled and nodded at him. " Tell me about your dream."

"Jimin knocked on the doors and I opened, he was frowning at ne and all I did was hug him. But he just pushed me so hard I fell on the floor. He said I'm a slut for forgeting about him. I cried Jimin, a lot."

"Kookie,I think Jimin just need to realize I can make you happy too. Give him some time." He said and stand up walking to the bathroom leaving the confused boy floor.

He took a cold shower so when he cry he can say it's water not his tears. Jimin is still not losing hope, even after one year.


"He left?"


"That's good, he can start over."

"But I didn't even say goodbye, he was my boyfriend after all."

Namjoon glared at Jin and took the letter away from his hand.

"Please don't!" Jin yelled but it was too late since Namjoon already ripped the letter and gave it back to Jin.

"He loved dance more then you, he cared about his practice more then for your health and I can't accept that!"

Older boy took Namjoons hand and lead him insude their house also know as Jimin's house too. He throw the letter Hoseok sent and looked at his left to find Namjoon smiling cutely while showing his adorable dimples.

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