I need to tell you something

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It's gonna be short because I'm out of ideas .


"Yes hyung. You were right. "

"I see. You should have listen to me sooner."

"Do you think I'm old me? I can feel the difference "

"Yes Jimin you look happy and free." Hoseok squeeled before he hugged the liar named Jimin.

"Ah, hyung I'm tired. And Namjoon hyung is waiting for me" Jimin pouted cutely and pressed his lips together.

Hoseok nodded and tapped younger boy on his head. "See you soon Jiminnie."

Jimin waved at him before running to Namjoon that was waiting for him. He sat on the passenger seat and smirked at Namjoon.

"You little..!"

"Shhh, hyung just drive. We need to pick up my boy." Jimin put his hand on Namjoons face that made the older boy even more pissed.

So Jikook made a plan.


As they parked in front of the building Jimin looked really excited. Jungkook is finally 18 and he can get out of that hell.

He opened the car door and started at the building doors. Namjoon tapped on the wheel already nervous for doing something like this. If anyone saw them of course it's gonna be his fault.

How did Yoongi enjoyed this job?


"Jungkooookiieee!" Orange haired voy shouted and run to the taller boy that just walked out of the building. He smiled cutely and put down his bag to catch his boyfriend in hug.

"Kids." Namjoon rolled his eyes at the sight.

"Hurry up. Jimin you need to be home in less than 10 minutes!"

Jimin turn around and glared at his bodyguard. He was such a mood killer. He took Jungkook's hand and pulled him to the car.

"I'll sit with Kookie." He said to Namjoon before he sat on the back seat with his boyfriend.

"Hyung. I missed you. I even missed Namjoon." Younger boy joked and Namjoon just fake laughed.

Jimin put his head on Jungkook's shoulder. "I'm sorry I wanted to broke up." He whispered and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry for kiss-."

"It's okay Jimin. Let's not talk about past." He looked down and put his finger under Jimin's chin.
Older boy looked up at him. "Let's think about future." He winked at him and gave him a gently kiss.

"We're here. Goodbye Jungkook and we need to go Jimin so hurry up." As Namjoon said that two boys took long time to say goodbye just to piss off Namjoon even more.


"Mom?" Jungkook whispered while walking to his house. "I'm home!" He shouted.

He smiled when he saw his mom running to him. She had her hair in a braid and she wore her usual chlotes but she looked more beautiful than ever.

"How? Jungkook how?" She asked trough tears.

Jungkook hugged her and kissed her head. "Jimin's dad. He helped me again."

"Oh. I need to thank him. Even I'm mad at Jimin but he showed himself as great boyfriend and friend."

"Finally someone talking nice things about him." He smiled. "I'm hungry." He pouted and put his hand on his stomach.

"My poor thing food you ate must taste like shit."


"Jimin meet my friends." His dad said and two older man's stepped closer and shook habds with him. Jimin still confused looked at them than at his dad.

"We heard you'll be taking your dad's buissnes."

Jimin was shocked. There he goes again with his dreams.

"Dad?" He glared at him. "What is this?"

Older man laughed nervously and offered the two man's to sit down at the table.

"Let me start." One of them started. "I think you will like this job. All you do is order around and earn lot of money. Every day."

Jimin watched him uninterested. No way he'll go in that dark buissnes and risc his and Jungkook's life.

"Fine. I'll do it." He smiled at them.

His dad looked at him. "F-for real?"

"Yes dad. I love money and I don't like to work so. I like it."

His dad promised him. All the money he saved for Jimin trough all this years will be his. And he thought it's perfect for his and Jungkook's plan.

Suddenly someone opened the doors and all four of them looked back to see the person that interrupted them.

"Yoongi hyung?"


Okay. I have no idea. I only have this Jikool plan in my head. I love Yoongi in this story and I missed him so.....

Next chapter is gonna be reaaaally sooooon. :)

Jikook // Skinship {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now