8- Player

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"Fix yourself Jimin!" Taehyung said and fixed my hair and shirt.

It was 11 am and his parents are home. I sat down on his bed and waited for his parents to walk in. Taehyung throw empty bottles in his closet and opened the doors.

I giggled and hid the nutella bottle under his bed.

"You have no idea how happy I am Taehyung." His dad said as he walked inside the room. "Uhm..why?"

"Well first,you didn't burn the house. And second we had such a good time out." Taehyung cough and looked at me.

"We had great time too."

His dad sat down on bed and told us about their dinner. I was nodding my head with silly smile on my face.

"Hello boys." His mom greeted us.

"I showered now c'mon lets go watch a movie in our bedroom." She totally ignored us and walked to Taehyung's dad and took his hand.

"Night!" She sang while pulling Ms. Kim outside the room.

We both looked at each other and started laughing at how crazy in love his parents are.

Tae moved closer to me and played with my hair. I closed my eyes and lean on his shoulder.

"Jimin baby. I really need to tell you something."

"Hmm?" I hummed. I really missed his touch so I relaxed more by snuggling closer to him.

"I met someone. And I wanted to tell you before but..." he stopped, after I didn't reacted he sigh and continued."We met in London. I really like him, I was never crazy about someone like that. He lives in Seoul and I want you to meet him."



"Jimin? Uhm, what do you want?"

"Can I have black coffee please?" I said and took off my sunglasses.

I had worst hungover, and the fact that I cried all night didn't help either. I saw Hobi after more than two weeks. I was happy to see him but sad that he didn't hug me or kiss my cheek.

Hobi walked and awkwardly put my coffee on the table. I thanked him and drink a bit.

"How are you Hoseok?" I man up and looked at him. He still had that idotic smile on his face. He was always so adorable.

"I'm doing great. And what happened to you?"

"You can sit if you want." He shook his head.

"Well I was with Taehyung. He came back yesterday." He mouthed an "oh" and I continued. "I'm so stupid. I believed he only love me. But he find someone else.And he told me that right after we..." I couldn't finish. I chocked on my tears.

Deep down I knew it that Taehyung don't love me that way, we never dated but he always gave ne that vibe, that I'm the only one for him.

"Jimin?" I put my sunglasses on before looking up at Hoseok.

"I'm sorry. But I really need to work." He said while looking down.

I don't blame him. I played with him. The way Taehyung played with me. Or even worst."Uhm...goodluck with Taehyung." With that he left.

He went to other costumers and in a second he had that smile on his face.


I finished the test and walked outside the class. I'm pretty sure I will fail.

Jikook // Skinship {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now