15- Mistake?

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  JIMIN pov 

 Of course my dad didn't let me go pick up Taehyung at the train station. Instead I was sitting in the living room texting while my dad had this stupid meeting.

I didn't listen at all but every now and then I will catch some word or sentence. I realized my dad was really nervous. 


-Are you coming today?

 -To watch me dance? We have little competition 


-i would love to but...I already have plans :( 


 -of course you do

-well I'll let you know how it went


-you'll win hyung

-because you're the best ♡

He didn't answered and I put down my phone.

 I lay down on the couch and caught Yoongi staring at me. I pretend not to notice and brushed my hand trough my hair seductively before licking my lips. I glanced at him and winked before closing my eyes.

"I'll meet him today. And Yoongi you're coming with me." I heard my dad.

"Okay sir." Yoongi just agreed and I sat up on the couch.

"What about me? Is someone gonna break into the house and kidnap me? I don't wanna be alone." I pouted.

 And my dad faced me with serious expression. I kinda annoy him. A lot.

"Make sure not to be home. Just go outside to meet your friends." 

It was always like this, I was actually never safe in my own house. 

I took my phone and Jungkook popped into my mind. Oh I need to go buy a phone for him. Maybe it's the best if I ask Yoongi hyung before he leave with my dad.


"I need to ask you a favor." I reach for Yoongi's arm. 

He turn around and frowned."What?"He was also looking for a phone. 

"You need a new phone?" He shook his head. "It's not for me. So what do you need?" 

˝I need you to drive me to Taehyung's house. Just for a moment." I blinked while looking at him.

 He sigh before placing the phone he was holding back. "Okay." 

I jumped and clapped my hands."You're the best hyung I know." I sang.

After I pick the phone for Jungkook we were driving to Taehyung's house. I was concentrated on my phone while Yoongi drive in silence. I texted Taehyung saying we are on our way and he said he will wait in front of his house. 

Yoongi parked the car. We made an eye contact before I got out.

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