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Like all of you voted and few ppl commented...I hoped you guys are gonna be full of ideas for the dare.

But not the selfie dare pls.
bc if you want me to do it you need lot of comments saying that ..

But anyway I will delete that chapter soon..

I have a good feeling tbh.


People change memories stays.

Jimin walked inside dark and cold room. His heavy footsteps and hard breathing was heard same as Jimin's dark laugh.

"You had enough, pretty boy?"

He pulled tied up boy by his hair and made him to look into his eyes. The weak man groaned and spit on Jimin's face.

Jimin smirked before slapping him. He had enough.
His blood boiled and he took the advange of him being alone with filthy dog like this guy.

You're not the angel I used to know.

But Jimin never killed no one. He would torture them for days, so when he let them go they went insane.

He made their life worst nightmare. He was their nightmare.

"Namjoon!" Jimin shouted, his voice echoed trough empty room.

"Jimin." Namjoon bowed as he run inside. "O shit " he gasped when he saw the unconcious man on the chair.

"Yeah." Jimin looked at him. "Take care of that." He smiled like he was insane and Namjoon can swear he saw Jimin's dad for a moment.

And when i lost you, I lost myself within the loneliness.

As always young boy would sit at the same bench and watch the same scene every day. Was he that bad?

He frowned when Hoseok took Jin's hand. Every day the same pain in chest would bother Jimin.
But he just shrugg it off and stand up, he clean his expencive suit and walked to the black car with always same person inside it.

He didn't talk with Namjoon.

Only he did was telling him how stupid he was to come back. And only thing Jimin would ask him was where did he took Jungkook.

Namjoon would change the subject and Jimin would go mad and just casually broke things around the house.

Did you erase me?

"Fuck off!" He threw his phone and walked to mini bar taking out whisky bottle. It was his best friend, he made him to forget about his life, his empty heart and dark future.

Now he know why his father hated himself.

He was a monster.

And he made a monster.

Monster who ordered his people to kill his father.

Jimin started getting weird calls lately. But that was normal since everyone is your enemy in this job.

Poor boy had no one, he spend his time on the road, he had too many people he worked with, he enjyoed making people suffer for their mistakes. But he would only torture the one who deserved it.

I saw you in my dream last night, it felt so real.

"Three years later and you had no one. " Namjoon spoke while staring down at drunk and paethetic Jimin. "You can still have love."

"Don't even say that word!"

"Okay, you can at least have someone that can help your needs." Namjoom sat down on his bed.

Jimin opened his eye and smirked at Namjoon. "I'm not gonna fuck you." He laughed and pushed Namjoon off bed with his leg.

"I didn't mean myself." Namjoon fake puked.

"Yoongi would be perfect." Jimin moaned Yoongi's name as he closed his eyes again. "Where is he? You still didn't find out?"


But Namjoon had a thing for taking care of Jimin from ugly news. He know Yoongi killed himself.

Moment later Jimin sobbed into his pillow. He always cried.

He hid his feelings and emotions in public, but he went home crying, and everyone else think he had no problems.

He changed but one piece of old Jimin left, the one peace that still needed someone to hug, kiss, cuddle, the piece that missed Jeon Jungkook.

The boy that Jimin forbidden everyone else to say his name out loud.

That sweet name only roll from Jimin's mouth late at night, he would mastrubate to same picture every night, after that he would cry that name out.

Jimin was eccedentesiast.

But why was he still alive?

He still hope God will send him Jungkook again.

You're not very easy to forget.

And where the f is Jeon Jungkook?

Is he even still alive?


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