5- Bye

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Thank you so much for reading this lil shit.




"Hey Hobi!" I greeted tall boy with black hair in his uniform as we walked into the caffe. 

He turns around and smiled genuinely at me. "Baby, you're here." He said and hugged me with one hand while his other one was busy holding holding a tray. 

Jungkook coughed and Hobi turned to look at him with confused look on his face. 

 "I'm sorry, I will take your order now." Hobi bowed at him.I guess he don't know I came with him.

"I want uhm...chocolate milkshake. And you Jimin?" He looked at me with amused look on his face. 

"NO! Don't tell me. I know." He said and pressed his lips together. "And one caramel macchiato." 

He smiled at Hobi and took my hand to lead me to the table. I looked back at Hobi and shook my shoulders. He frowned and walked away.

 "Uhm , Jungkook? Why are you like this?" I asked him. 

He looked at me from across the table "Like what hyung? I'm sorry I felt kinda uncomfortable." He looked down. "While you were hugging."

 I smiled at his sudden cuteness "Don't worry you'll get used to it. I love to hug and kiss people I care about." He looked up and tilted his head in confusion.

 In that moment Hoseok brought us our drinks and sat next to me. "Baby I'll drive you home so wait for me." 

I nodded and looked at Jungkook. "Can you drive him too?" Hoseok sigh and whispered a little 'sure' before kissing my forehead and walking away. 

 "Thank you...baby" Jungkook teased with evil smirk on his face. He took a straw and put it in his mouth drinking a little bit.

"This is really weird you know. Yesterday I was thinking that I wan't to actually get to know you." He was looking at me.

"I know. The way you stared at me said everything." He said and started to chew on a straw never removing his eyes from me. I blushed and cough awkwardly. "So tell me something about yourself."I asked him as I looked around.

"About who? You didn't even look at me." He said and leaned over the table and opened his eyes and furrow his eyebrows. "Uhm..about you." I said as I was staring at his eyes.

He gave me a bunny smile before he sat back on his seat. "Where should I start? I guess you don't know anything about me so I'm gonna say random things. I'm Jeon Jungkook. And I'm 98'liner. I came here 5 months ago." He paused for a moment like he was hesitating to tell me something. 

"I uhm also really like perfumes, man or women's. I have bunch of them. And I'm here with you because I think you're fun to be with." He took a straw and drink a little. "I'm not an interesting person so if you wanna know anything else just ask me." He finished. 

I didn't realized I was smiling while he talked. I shook my head and looked at my hands before looking back at him. "I'm Park Jimin and I'm 95' liner. I'm really lovable person you'll see it and uhm...people like to say that I'm like a baby. I love to be take cared of." I looked away before continuing. "I like working out. And lately I really love a big teddy bear I got from Tae. It's really cuddly." 

I realized I was talking nonsense so I stopped and finished my macchiato. "Uhm why did u move schools anyway?" I was curious. 

He frowned "From all possible questions you asked me that one. I uhm...my dad got a job here so we moved. I don't mind." He smiled and before he can say anything else Hobi came to our table. 

"I'm done with my ship. Get ready we're leaving in 5." He smiled at me and I nod my head. I wanted to pay but Jungkook stood up and went to pay without saying a word. I blushed and stand up walking to him. 

He turned to face me. "Caramel macchiato for your number? Deal?" He offered me a hand and I smiled before we shook hands. 

Hobi came and took my other hand pulling me to entrance. Jungkook let go of my hand and with smirk he left caffe bar behind us. 

 In the car, it was awkward. Like really awkward. Hobi was ignoring Jungkook in the back and talked to me from the driving seat while Jungkook was whispering something to my ear from the back. 

I wanted to jump from driving car. 

 "I never actually introduced you two. Jungkook this is Hoseok. And Hoseok this is Jungkook." I moved a little bit so they made eye contact. 

 "Yeah, so where does Jungkook live?" Hobi asked me and I actually don't know. I was quiet and I looked at Jungkook.

He smiled before answering. "Just left me here at the end of the street, I can walk from here. "

 Hoseok laughed and shook his head. "Jiminie did you went on coffe with a stranger? That's not what you should do." I looked at him and opened my mouth wanting to say something but than...

 "Hey! I'm not a stranger to him. So shut up!" I jumped at his tone. He's scary. Jungkook yelled at him and I can hear how deep he's breathing, he must be furious.

 Hobi stopped the car and turned back to face red faced Jungkook. "Get out! Who are you to yell in front of Jimin?" Hobi sounded calm but I know he's really pissed off. Jungkook laughed before he opened the door.

 "I'm sorry." He whispered.

 "Wait!" I stopped him and smiled. "Give me your phone." At the end. Deal is a deal right?I typed my number and saved it.

 Jungkook looked suprised with my action. No matter how he just acted I promised to give him my number. And for couple weeks I really wanted to get to know him. 

 "Thanks Jimin. See you at school." He left the car and started walking. I watched every move he make until Hobi started driving again. 

 He didn't say a word. Silent treatment. He really know how to torture me. But I deserved it. I wanted to speak. But I was too scared of his reaction. 

"We're here." He said when we stopped in front of my house. I stared at my arms and then I glanced at my house, then back at my arms. I don't want to go without goodbye kiss.

 "Jimin, I said we're here. You can go now." tone he used to say that was really cold. And yet so calm. I sigh. I don't deserve anything from him. 

"Goodbye hyung." I said before I looked at him."I will see you later?" 

He gripped the wheel and shook his head. "I can't. I uhm...I need some rest."

 I smiled and opened the door. "Take good rest. And I'll come visit you soon." 

I get out and before I closed the doors I heard his weak voice. 

"From you. I need a rest from you. Please don't bother me." I pretend I didn't hear him. I closed the doors and walked to my house. 

Hoseok drove off and I started crying. I knew this will happen. Sooner or later. I lost my hyung because of my selfishness. Old Jimin will force Hobi to kiss him until he finally gave in. I know he's weak for me. And I was using that. I wiped my tears with my sleeve before I walked inside.


And now I blocked. ugh

I don't like this chapter but I still posted it miaannheee.

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