take it or break it

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Guys. Mind of mine is so good damn.

Okay lets wrote a shitty chapter.

I still love you all!! ♡


I just hate everything.

"And it's his birthday today. He's 18. And I'm here with you. How sad!"

"Thanks!"  The man yelled to my face and let's say he said it really ironicaly.

"Yeah. So now I can't even wish him happy birthday or even hug him or give him best birthday sex-"

"Woaah! Stop, I think you drink enough." The waiter told me and I nodded.

"So you won't give me alcohol anymore?" I smirked at him and he nodded with his cute little head.

"Fine." I decided to stand up and walk around the club to find someone to buy me drinks.

I stepped on the dancefloor and started to feel really dizzy. The smoke, and croud didn't help at all. I felt someone touching me and turn around to face no one else than Jung Hoseok. I smiled and put my arms around him.

Mostly because I miss him and also because I was that wasted that I needed someome to hold me so I don't fall.

"Hyung! Damn you look good." I whispered into his ear before breaking the hug and meeting his blushing face.

He smiled at me before ruffling my hair. I lean into his hand and closed my eyes.

"Jiminnie, let's go sit down." He yelled before he took my hand and lead me outside the croud.

As we sat down I felt the atmosphere is changing.

So I decided to whine again.

"Hobi I miss Jungkook. It's his birthday today." I pouted and lean back on the chair. "He must be lonely."

"Yeah." Hoseok said totally not imterested. I glanced at him and he had a serious or should I say hurt look on his face.


"You don't see it. You pushed everyone that care about you to be with that brat that's only bringing problems to your life."

"I-I' m so-"

"And you know what? You become like him. You don't care about anything except yourself. Fuck that. I was always there for you!" He lean closer to me and looked me straight in my eyes. I gulped trying to move away.

"You played with me. Big time. With my feelings, with my time." He took me by the collar of my pretty expencive shirt.

"I needed you the most and you dissapeared to fuck that manipulative brat. What do you think how I felt?" I bit my lip at this realization, and closnest of our faces.

"If you wanna know I didn't made it to that dance group. I'm a loser and I'm moving back home. I will feel so pathetic and low. But guess what? Most of it was your fault. I just needed a friend..." He stopped as he felt the tears falling from his cheeks.

I'm still the same Jimin. I care. But I was made not to. Jungkook made me.

"Shhh." I wiped his tears with my thumbs and looked him gently in his eyes. He was breathing heavily since he yelled at me more than 10 minutes.

In next moment as I closed my eyes and hugged him around his neck I lean closer and kissed him.
I kissed Hoseok. Another one that's not my boyfriend.
He didn't kiss back until I gently bit his lip and moved my hands to his wait. He kissed back and I felt his body relaxing. I was drunk and I was guilty.

"You can finnish it now." I told him.

"...I just needed a lover."

"I know Hobi, I know."


Don't even ask. Lot of ppl read this ff and I wanted to update even tho I would love that more ppl read Hickeys and bruises because I got good ideas for that book but your reads and votes are making me try harder.

Thank you!!!!

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